Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit

Most people especially new minnows are whining and in extreme case weeping their ass off because they are not making money as expected on Steemit. This is understandable if we consider the time and opportunity costs involve : cost of being online especially in the developing economies where the cost of electricity and internet is too high and in some cases, unavailable.  Conversely, in light of this burning issue, those affected should not give up the ghost rather change their blogging strategies by following these constructive advice laid out in this article. 


Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit

 1) Invest in Steem Power:  the most important thing for someone to do in order to be relevant in any society or organization is to have power. In steemit , Steem power will give you the power to reward good contents, punish bad contents and reward yourself ( by up voting your blog posts).  However , it is not advisable to constantly up vote your comments and down vote people just to punish the person. In addition, steem power locks in your investment in the organization  plus you can cash in big if the price of steem rises – and note that the fundamentals of steem is very good-so buy steem and power up. 

2) Focus On The Fun and learning Experience Not Money:  most people focus on earnings that are visible in the trending pages and hot pages without even thinking about the hard work , time  and monetary investments those people have invested on steem and steemit. Importantly, however, steemit is no get rich quick scheme or HYIP scheme rather a social media platform that rewards people for their hardwork , good contents and yes investment in steem power. So focus on having fun on the network and learning new things from other steemians . For example , if your interests lies in adventures (wild or sporst)  and exploring the world ,  @b0y2k , @surfermarly , @papa-pepper  and  @twinner never disappoint  in furnishing us with interesting posts .  With regard to travelling @sweetsssj , , @rea  and @kafkanarchy84 always perform- and when it comes to work of art/photography then check out   @opheliafu , @saramiller and  @inber  (plus others not mentioned here). 

3) Engaging in the Platform : If you are not a very good content creator , ( Pls do not post for posting sake or  copy and paste photos, YouTube videos or quotes / short poems and expect a lot of up votes) then concentrate on commenting on other  people posts -good well thought comments not meaningless comments or spams as indicated by @joseph here : Meaningless Comments/Spam , pls stop  Follow for Follow or Upvote For Upvote comments.  Moreover ,  up voting good contents and posting contents relating to your core competences and or followers interests for example ,when it comes to yummies / mouthwatering foods and drinks   @amy-goodrich , @allasyummyfood , @gringalicious, @wthomas , @karenmckersie and  @elfkitchen  does magic via their posts  and thus always win me over via their excellent posts.  Moroever , @thecryptofiend , @xaero1,  @infovore , @pharesim  and @stellabelle contents regarding crypto currencies and constructive advices are  always welcomed .

 4) Relationship building : In life, those that are good in relationship building always succeed in the long run. Therefore , try build relationships in steemit by being respectful to your fellow bloggers especially when you respond to their posts (Say no to spam and abusive words as here is not Face book) , joining contests or steemit  color or  Meme challenges  and joining some steemit online clubs via steemit chat or Discord channel . In addition, getting involved in steemit local events, get together  hangouts and attending steemit festival will be very helpful with regard to relationship building and subsequently, lead to financial success.   

Now is your turn, what do you think will add value to members earnings? Send in your comments , resteem  in order for others to join the debate  and pls up vote  

Steemit can have more success if it takes on new challenge! click here and read this blog post:  Why Steemit should kick the Ass of Major exchanges / Trading Platform like Poloniex and Start its Own 

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