Quick post: Possible solution to auto-flaggers

I realize that banning the asshole et. al. accounts goes against this sites principles. To silence even a troll would erode the values of "no censorship" we champion.

However, it's clear that he can do some real damage. Not only does it discourage new users from posting, it also prevents us from seeing when a post is flagged for legitimate reasons.

So I'd like to know if it's possible to give users the power to ignore other users. This wouldn't be traditional censorship, as it's self imposed. And we shouldn't have to deal with peoples antics if we don't want to.

So here are two questions:

  1. Is it technologically possible to give individual users the power to ignore all input from another user. This means flags, comments, posts and upvotes. Hopefully with the ability to adjust as we see fit. I don't know much about coding, but I feel like this would necessitate a serious change in how the site is programmed.

  2. Do you see anything logically or morally wrong with this idea? Is there something I am not seeing? It seems like a good solution to the problem.

Told you this would be quick. Thanks for looking.

Edit: For relevance (NSFW language)

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