An apology and lessons from Mr. Rodgers.

I want to start this post with an apology.

I said something mean on a post made @themarkymark. It was not right of me to take out my frustration I have with the Steem platform on his post. I'm sorry.

So what does this have to do with Fred Rogers?

I was watching the PBS documentary "Mister Rogers: It's You I Like" this evening, and it made me think about what I said. Mr. Rogers treated everyone with such kindness and respect, something so unfortunately rare today. It made me think about the way I see other people.

Too often, I look at other people as unimportant. They are but the background to my own life. Sometimes, it is healthy to see people like that. You can't go around thinking about the life goals and desires of every single person you meet on the street.

But that's not what I'm talking about.

What I'm talking about is being genuinely invested in the well being of people around you. Mr. Rogers would show genuine interest in the people he brought on the show. He wanted his viewers to know how much he cared about his audience. In this world of sharing attention, imagine how special someone must feel if you devote even 80% of your attention to them.

Some might call it gratitude, but it is more than gratitude. Fred Rogers was an ordained minister, and I think his belief in God spread through his actions on TV. I think he was trying to see everyone as God sees them, as unique, special and created with a purpose.

It is something I want to work on.

As I stated at the top, I'm sorry for my actions. I don't want to lash out at people for no reason. I was seeing you as a name on a screen and not a genuine person with feelings and ambitions. I'm working on it.

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