Streemian - Fighting with the Voting Weight - need help

I have a problem on Streemian with it not working due to voting weight and was wondering if anyone could help me resolve it.

Short Introduction

I have joined Steem almost a week ago and learning my way around it. Posting and curation awards, Voting, bots and support groups, I have encountered, experienced and absorbed all. But I cannot get Streemian to work for me due to a specific error I encounter where it states my voting weight is not sufficient

The problem

I am logged in, registered, verified and authenticated

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I have added one curation trail and 4 Fan base entries

But everytime I look at my account options there is a red cross after "Voting Weight Sufficient for Voting"

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I can click the re-enable button, and I get a green tick box, but when I get back to it a few minutes later, the red cross is back.

Streemian does not upvote any of the trails content.

Who knows how to avoid this error (assuming this is the root cause of the problem).

I already tried:

  • removing and adding trails
  • changing the voting weight both up and down


For reference and your convenience a link to my acount on steemd:


Thank you for your attention and if you would like to know more about me, or wouldnt mind giving a newbie a bit of a boost by upvoting some of my posts, look at my introduction and a couple of other posts I did in my first week. Thank you

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