My review of SteemIt

Still pretty noob but here's my 2 cents

I've found the actual product - SteemIt to be quite basic and not intuitive.
It's a bit disappointing as I think it could really ride the cryptocurrency wave and build itself into something sophisticated and usable.

Instead I've seen no improvement since I joined, with all the well-developed blogging/social-media sites out there to draw ideas from, and the injection of cryptocurrency hype, I'd have thought product improvement and innovation would be rife, but nada.

I've found it difficult to use in terms of finding interesting stuff to read or follow, the format of "quality" blogs (some are such a ridiculous long scroll), to interact with people with genuine common interest, and just basic usability (I don't get notifications for comments and upvotes). The app is even worse - quite often it doesn't load at all!

I've found the majority of the content to be on cryptocurrency, which is not my only interest. A few big star bloggers have made more than $1k per article but I struggle to see why any of the small potatoes like myself would stay long term because it simply isn't a better product.

Ah well, I gave it a go, will check in again from time to time :)

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