Steemit Telegram Bot - Update

As some of you may know I started the "Steemit Booster" Telegram bot 10 days ago. If you have no idea what the Steemit Booster is, you can check it here:

Today I want to give you a few updates on our way to reach a point where EVERYONE can make extra upvotes with the help of the Steemit Booster.

1.) We need more users

Right now the Steemit Booster has 16 members, which is not bad for the beginning but we need more. So our main goal right now is to reach the 100 members milestone. From that point the bot can work like it was planed.

2.) The upvote system will be changed

Till today one had to upvote posts to receive a code. With this code one could add his/her own post to the bot. As this system isn't pretty reliable it will be changed, so it will be easier for everyone. More info about this new system will follow inside the bot and here on my Steemit blog.

That's all for now. If you have any ideas, questions or anything else to say, just leave a comment. Please resteem as this is a good way to convince more people to join the bot.

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