Why Dont We Get Paid After The 7 Day Payout Period?

Wouldn't you like to get paid after the 7 days you initially made your blog post?

Being a new user, Ive been doing research on Steemit and after doing a few Google searches, I found some great content. Not only was it great content, but it was a blog post on Steemit. It was very informative and as much as I wanted to upvote that post, I couldnt.


That guy deserved my .01 upvote.

Eventhough it may not be much, the pay period should never end. It will add up over time and will inspire people to put quality content on the platform. Many users are trying to get a quick buck fast posting as much as they can in order to increase their SP or cash out.

Why is this?

If I write a book and publish my book, do I only collect revenue generated in the first 7 days? Would authors still be writing books?

Or lets say I produce a movie. Do I have to hope box office weekend will be successful in order for my bills to get paid?


I dont care if its a blog post, book or movie, content is content and the market will pay for what its worth. So why are we being capped on our earnings?

How cool would it be to generate content so great it can provide and income stream for a lifetime? Although it might not be substantial it definitely would be neat and give people some hope of getting rewarded late on down the line for their hard work.

This would also motivate bloggers to take time on their posts and create not only content now, but content for the future.

If there is a reasoning behind this cap please inform me.

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