Steemit Friction: An Upcoming Series About Winning Strategies on the Steemit Platform

Last Sunday I decided to write about my current understanding of the Steemit platform, especially related to the bidbots.

What are the consequences of their use? How do they manage to dominate Steemit economy?

How did they become one of the major working forces within Steemit?

Where do they get all their voting power?


Why are they so effective and 'kind' -ironic here- to distribute the earnings associate to the voting power of their delegators?

And many other questions as What are the pool Rewards? Who gets all the Curator's Rewards? What are witnesses? And many others.

I could not afford to stop writing.


The post became gigantic, so I just decided to stop and reorganize.

I will divide the big-post in a series, maybe with more detail to each topic but trying to avoid being too long.

This series will come under the name of "Steemit Friction. Part xx" and I hope it will be evident why I called the series that way.

If you are curious/interested in this theme, please follow and comment.

I am sure your comments will trigger ideas that I could discuss in the upcoming posts.

If you wish to read posts/discussions about the Steemit Mechanics and BidBots, please check:

This is to catch up with my previous understanding, which has evolved a lot since then.


I am sure that after this series, you will come up with new ideas and strategies to gain more visibility to your blog.

Keep in mind. The focus here is to get a fair understanding of this platform, and I will help you to avoid actions that may bring no gains. Let's prevent the painful Steemit-Frustration-Syndrome which is getting so common these days.

Remember: This series will be about "How to Set the Best Winning Strategy" given our current understanding of Steemit-Mechanics.

Why there is so much friction holding us back, and how to position yourself with respect to that in a rational-wishful way.

See you all soon!


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