Friends all we need

My name is Humberto Bolivar , in this post i want to talk about the friends, specially my friends.

My friends are weird but that's best thing, each one is different the others, Although we share many things in common.
as we are musicians and we like eat much.

I can learn from my friends many things as they learn from me.

i can trust them because they trust my.

if i have a problem they are there for my, they help me in what i need as i do.


the on the left is me, the middle is samuel he's like a brother for me, Samuel and I have been friends since I was 5 years old, now i'm 20 years old, 15 years fighting, coming out to anywhere, he visit my house and i he him, minimum twice to week.
he likes to play guitar and the drums but is better drummer than guitarist.
His character is something explosive but he's controlled.
an activity that we like very much is playing fifa he is better than me but sometime i win, Another activity is watching movies and going to the movies, we really enjoyed that.
Playing football he's the goalkeeper because he's fat but he's a good goalkeeper.

on the right is abi and she is samuel's sister. her voice is wonderful, She's the best singer I've ever heard.

con dani.jpg

She is Daniela @palmimusic is my best friend and I love her like a sister. Sometimes many people asked me if I liked her and her the same, but I answered that she was like a sister to me and she answered same.
She is a classical music guitarist.
She gets stressed out by everything specially when we rehearse, but she's fun most the time.
I go home almost every day. we talked about everything, sometime i go her home to annoy her. watch a movie.


on the right is andres @misc.jocs and he is drummer, is annoying, odious, is rare because he's always happy and he always makes us all laugh.

on the right is stephanie. She is always affectionate with all, she's always happy, and something particular about her is that you can know her mood just by seeing her face. if she is angry you know, if she is sad too, any emotion.


In this picture we are almost all

Ricardo @ricardoivan79 is my mentor and friend, he's guitarist, pilot, Pastor, engineer and my mentor.
He talks too much and one sometimes gets tired of hearing it.
He's just fat in the face and the belly.

Eleazar and Efraín are brothers and they are my best childhood friends too like samuel.
Eleazar is learning to play guitar and efrain is learning play drum.
they are differents , Eleazar is funny Efrain Not. Eleazar is tall efrain not. Efrain Talk too much eleazar not. Both play basketball but Eleazar for being taller plays better than Efrain

Julio is very quiet but when he speaks he says very funny things. he play baseball, he isn't musician

Paola @paloagvv is very small but her voice is awesome. she's singer and better than abi. i like her voice.
Her character is strong, she is little bitter and she gets angry about almost everything, she is annoying, but she is a great person. she is very weepy, Very sentimental.

Johanna is Ricardo's Wife and she was my boss for 1 year, i work in your dad's company. She is very kind, tender and very sweet. and she talk too much!!! more than Ricardo!!

All these things with a little bit of what they are...
They changed my life, my way of thinking and acting.
They've always been there for me as well as I will be for them, They are part of my life and I can't imagine without them, as they have done so much for my

and they are more than friends, they are family... they change my life

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