Tone Vays Steemit AMA Live tonight on The World Crypto Network- I will be moderating

You can watch the AMA here:

With over 150 Re-Tweets and overwhelming support from the Steemit community, Tone Vays has agreed to do the Steemit AMA (Ask Me Anything) at 7pm tonight via WorldCryptoNetwork YouTube channel.

A regular on the Bitcoin Group Podcast hosted by @MadBitcoins, Tone been a generally critical of Steemit, and this will be your chance to ask him question live or in advance. Feel free to post them in the comments section and we will try to get him to answer as many as we can. If you are writing comments or stating your opinion you would like him to acknowledge, please separate that from the question by starting the word QUESTION in all caps.

Since the AMA will be live, so you are encouraged to ask Question in the chat box that google hangouts provided for live viewers.

Tone’s Bio and Contact Social Media info is below
Tone worked on Wall Street for almost 10 years starting as a Risk Analyst at Bear Stearns and later becoming a VP at JP Morgan Chase in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. His expertise is in Economic Trends, Trading and Risk Analysis. Ever since getting involved in the Crypto Currency ecosystem in early 2013, he has been very active in spreading the relevance and importance of this technology as it helps promote economic freedom. He was formerly Head of Research at BraveNewCoin after previously writing about trading and economics at CoinTelegraph. Tone maintains his website LibertyLifeTrail focused on sound economics, privacy, free-thinking and adventurous travel. Tone holds a Masters Degree in Financial Engineering from Florida State University along with Bachelor Degrees in Mathematics and Geology.
Twitter: @ToneVays
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