Your Official Complete Steemit Upvote Bot Guide For 2017

This is the absolutely best steemit upvote bots list of 2017.

This list has been designed by the one and only @steemthat upvote bot to help as many steemians as possible and new members thinking about using steemit. This steemit up vote bot list compiled of the best up vote bots of 2017 goes beyond your normal list. This upvote bot list gives you suggested minimum bid prices and tips about different ways to use the steemit upvote bots. The best steemit upvote bots list explains in detail:


  • How to use an upvote bots on steemit.
  • Some best use practices.
  • Tools to take advantage of the upvote bots
  • Why upvote bots are beneficial to the fledgling steemit platform
  • Most people just want the steemit upvote bot list so that they can start using the upvote bots let's start there.

This list is not in any particular order and the recommended bid amount can change at anytime so it is highly recommended to visit the steemit upvote bots page to determine if you are meeting their minimum standards. This guide will usually help you at least get your bid accepted but as bots grow often do their minimum bids also.


@bellyrub - This awesome up vote bot has gotten the most of my money. I recently found some cool charts to track your best supporters.. The new suggested bid for an Upvote is now 0.500 SBD....Yep It Grew Over Night! . This little up vote bot started out small but has grown huge.... Here is there most recent post about the bot and the potential for a $25 Upvote...

@booster - This up vote bot has went through several major overhauls and the performance is fantastic. One of the power houses that @inertia developed it packs a punch though it is so popular it would be almost impossible to get a full power upvote which by my calculations would exceed $100 SBD, Suggested Min Bid Is $1.25 SBD. Booster also uses front-runner to help add to your up-vote power from your investment. Check out their most recent post here

@lovejuice was just a small little creature when we first met. Once he sprayed my post with love juice I knew the bot had been there. Often times the lesser known growing bots pay huge dividends. Some people question my strategy of spreading the dollars around but often I'll break even with the large up vote bots and triple my investment with the smaller ones. Time these bots just right and you'll love the auction. Time them wrong or with a crowd via for the upvote and you'll cry...The great news is that this bot has always performed well for me. When I look at my spread sheet this upvote bot and belly rub even though I have spent less gross $ have netted me more clear profits than the big ones...NO KIDDING! The suggested bid min is 0.100 and honestly I think this is undervalued. I'm finding a lot of success around 0.20 -0.25... This bot is growing fast also..

@randowhale wasn't on my favorite on the first list because I never could even break even no matter what I spent for the upvote. Since the first post this upvote bot has made a lot of improvements also. Some of these improvements are that the bot brings along some of it's friends to also upvote. Since this change I have been very please with the service. Good job @randowhale thanks for looking out for your clients. The suggested bot for an upvote is $0.500 SBD

@treeplanter has been solid. This is an affordable bot that prefers to upvote other posts on your behalf. So @treeplanter and the others ones really would like for you to use their services to up vote a friends or favorite post you found.. I have found success in the 0.100 to 0.500 SBD range Plus you can help plant some trees!

@discordia is one of the smaller bots that has really grown fast and offers a top secret steemit up vote service @discordia doesn't add a comment to the post! Discordia upvote bot always votes at 100% power but on a percentage scale like most of the others. It has received a lot of SBD from me and I truly think that it is undervalued at 0.100 SBD. One thing to note is that it is a smaller bot as far as steem power. Additionally the auctions sometimes do get full and when that happens sometimes a min bid will not be accepted and there will be no refunds...I suggest at least 0.150 to 0.250 on this upvote bot for best results.

@minnowhelper is another great Up Vote bot. @minnowhelper it isn't too expensive. Learn More About How The Bot Works Here. They have a very good guide on how to make an upvote bot purchase and how most of the upvote bots generally work. Thanks for sharing. Suggested Bid - 0.100 to 0.200.

@drotto the new Dr OTTO Bot... Bid 0.001 SBD or more every 270 seconds and get a vote of 0% - 3.13% (with full voting effectiveness). No refunds with this bot but it has the highest percentages of return I think of any upvote bot though it is new. Send to @drotto for a great return on investment. Thanks @drotto for helping so many minnows.

@steemthat is a new bot as well and the reason for this whole website so supporting @steemthat will help ensure the bot grows and when you use it in the future that it gives better and better rewards. The current amount to bid for an upvote is 0.010 SBD or 1 cent.This is basically a donation but you do get an upvote and other people sometimes follow my trail. Almost all SBD gets converted to steem and then buys delegation of steem power or buys steem power. @steemthat wants to be able to give out $5 upvotes everytime for a $1 sbd bid. One day you will have a nice upvote for cheap so help me grow. Plus your support to @steemthat will one day hopefully help keep this website running. You can always send some SBD or Steem and put donation in the memo line and I'll add you to @binkley's curation upvote bot whitelist.

@buildawhale is another upvote bot to consider...Bid at least 0.1 SBD and get a vote for 0%-100% with 100% voting power. Rounds last: 2.4 hours. Win random bonus upvotes! This is taken straight from their steemit blog page. I have not used this service a lot as I just found it. I do not know who owns it or runs it and have not heard anything bad about the service so I'm assuming it is solid as it has been around a while I just did not know about it.@buildawhale

@nettybot is another steemit upvote bot that I recently found but have not used much because I just found it. They do have a great graphics team it looks like and I think it is backed by @netuoso ** Public Vote Bid Bot ** Minimum bid: 0.100 SBD, Vote weight: 50%, Vote interval: 1.2 hours. Current SP: ~23k this was taken from their blog page at the time of this writing.

@minnowsupport is another great upvote bot system that also has real people that upvote. This Isn't a bid bot but a community support group that allows it's member to use their many upvote bots and the process for joining is an article within itself. I highly recommend new members to steemit to take the time to set it all up and join. It is a long process for new people and if you are not familiar with all of the platforms it will be a great learning experience. Learn more here at their website.

@iamgrootbot this is a small upvote bot on steemit that has a great return on investment but is still small so it is perfect for minnows or those just starting out. My Suggested Upvote Bid Is Between 0.005 and 0.010 This bot has been around for a while and likes to help people grow....

@minnowbooster has made some changes and is once again on my list. Though I do wish they would allow for more than $1 sbd per day per user and do a per post system. This is the only bot I know of with a lot of rules that restrict use. There reasoning is legit but I think there are other better ways to accomplish what they are trying to do @minnowbooster. I do like the goat image and what they originally were trying to accomplish with their service. The limits per person per day and per week aggravates me. The main reason they are on my list is because they do offer other great services so any support they get helps the steemit platform. It is hard to navigate their blog feed as the titles are non descriptive and the same for their description... * 1.000 SBD spent on 1 post per day.*

NOTICE FROM ME ABOUT @minnowbooster:

Please do not use the @minnowbooster service to upvote a post of someone else. As doing this will prevent that person from using the service themselves which might make some people very angry if they have an upvote bot system they are using. This is the only bot that is this way. Though all bots only allow one upvote per post for obvious reasons. All others please follow the best use practice below and use the upvote bot to upvote other people posts before your own for best results.


Let's Move On To The How To Guide For Using An Upvote Bot On Steemit.

This section of the ultimate steemit upvote bot guide is devoted to the most basic function of making a transfer to actually have an upvote bot come and visit your post and upvote it. Hopefully if you have read down to this point then you have read the awesome list of steemit upvote bots and have a general idea as to how much each one requires to get them to your post.

  • The First Step in the process is to copy the link of the post you want to upvote. At least this is where I always start and having used upvote bots over 500 times this is my recommended method for long term use.
  • Once you have copied the url or link of the post which looks like this: ( you will want to navigate to your profile and your wallet.
  • You will need to transfer steem dollars to all of the bots above to initiate a response. Pick a smaller bot for your first time. This way if you lose your money due to a bad transfer you only lose a penny or less. The transfer wizard looks like this.

  • You will need to type the name of the upvote bot into the to section. notice the @ symbol is not required.
  • You will need to type the amount you are willing to bid for the upvote. More on how this works later.
  • You will need to paste the link you want upvoted in the memo.
  • Click Submit and the transaction happens almost instantly.
  • Congratulations! You have completed your first transaction to an upvote bot! Yippie.

There are a few things you need to watch out for as a beginner.

All too often I see that people send the wrong amount. Usually it is too small or way too large. When it is too small I try to send it back but doing so many transactions some times it gets missed. The good news it for @steemthat usually the too small bids are 0.001 so no huge loss. Most of the bots will return it or some state that they consider it a donation and there are no refunds. Each upvote bot on steemit is free to do there own thing in this regard so just be aware of what your are sending and to which upvote bot as they are all different.

Another thing you will need to pay attention to is the link you put in the memo.

The upvote bots wish they could read your mind but they can't. Most can only handle the link and no other text also. This is important because some people wonder why an upvote bot maybe didn't cast an upvote but do not know how to find the information they need to diagnose the problem. Often it was a url that was copied wrong leaving a letter off or copying from a comment section url or something like this.


Scams are starting to pop up. If they are not on this list be leary of them.

I have been scammed before thinking that an account would do a service for me and they did not. With anything really it is caveat emptor aka let the buyer beware. Do your due diligence to avoid fraud. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is. The upvote bots on this list all have been verified and most are ran by witnesses so they have a stake in the community. Others like @steemthat is ran by a legit individual who has hopefully proven that he is trust worthy with all of the efforts he has put into recruiting and teaching others. Plus @steemthat has a website and other social media platforms for customer concerns. And A 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Let's Look At Some Best Use Practices For Up Vote Bots On Steemit Shall We.

The best case scenario is that you are a minnow and have a small upvote amount and you have come a cross a post that you really want to support. You upvote the post and make a thougthful comment and additionally go to your wallet and make a transfer to one of your favorite upvote bots. Most will let the post author know who made the contribution for the upvote. This has had an enormous positive affect on my account @binkley.

My upvote was a penny or lower for a long time. I could have just sent some SBD true but by spending the same amount on the Upvote bot or bots I have done two great things. I have added more comments and upvotes to the post and told the system that this post is worthy of me spending my hard earned money to do so. It also tells others what you thought also. The amount the upvote bot can upvote for the same amount of SBD sent is far greater and has a bigger impact.

The most likely way people are using upvote bots and the exact way that I have used them is to upvote a post that I spent hours on this is high quality but for some reason has had zero eyeballs. This isn't the best way to use upvote bots but until you hit the 100 plus steem power threshold this is to me an acceptable use. The reason for this need is that the amount of delegated steem power new members get is alot lower than it was in the original days and therefore there needs to be an equalizing component to fill the gap. Of course new members could just buy steem and power it up...

I have a how to buy steem guide to make that easier here...But for most new people this is a complicated process they do not understand yet or do not have the funds to do this but do have the time to perform work for the block chain. The concept that people growing this way is somehow bad is ludicrous. Though I do not believe this should be a long term strategy but it does serve an ever growing market to help new people earn some extra steem power and steem dollars. Growth Is Good My Friends..

  • I hope I made a sound case about how upvote bots can be beneficial to the whole community as they do serve a practical temporary need. Dolphins and Whales do not use these new services much as they often have guilds or a network community established already. If you think the whales do not have a scratch my back and I scratch your back silent policy you have not analyzed enough data.

With that said I hate spam and plagiarizers as much as the next person and fully support activities that are limiting this area of the platform. These are some excellent people using excellent bots that have special algorithms coded just to do that. These creators deserve a whole write up and one day maybe my next post I will try to focus on these folks and how much work they are putting into creating the best social media platform on the planet. There are also several upvote bots that just run to help new people that you can't pay to play. They simply just do there thing. These folks should be given some accolades as well. Perhaps my next big article will cover these guys and gals.

Please do not add one line of text to a post and then send every upvote bot to the post in an attempt to get money or use plagarized content and do the same thing. This is unacceptable and there are bots on steemit that will flag you and possibly future post for abusing the system

Upvote Bot Tools For Using Steemit Upvote Bots More Effectively.

Where does this ultimate upvote bot system post end? I could write for days about the steemit upvote bots. I could probably write one post per upvote bot just giving history and stats about each bot and that might be coming soon. One thing I want to ask you is this...I'm working on building @steemthat into an upvote bot that you can visit and send let's say $5 sbd and then I will cast your bids for you and try to get you the best possible scenario from your money and only take a small fee for doing so.

Would you be interested in this super duper time saving upvote bot? Or would you like for me to finish the standalone tool that you can use to check each upvote bots status and Steem Power? I have started working on both and just not sure where I should focus my efforts. I think @inertia the genius behind most of the upvote bots on steemit is possibly working on this too but I am not sure if it will be released or private. So If I do it and he releases it then I have wasted my time because he is an expert ruby coder and the code will be perfect where mine will be glitchy I'm sure.

I have started on the php for the standalone tool. It will display almost the full list above and all of the stats in real time when finished. Let me know what you want and I'll see if i can find it, build it or partner with someone who already has to make sure you have access to it. If you have some solutions that would help people please be kind and share or lets chat and see if we can negotiate a way to have your tools made available on or at least links to your stable secure tools. Thank you

Remember How Awesome It Is To Get Free Transfers.....Only At Steemit!

Thank you for reading your complete guide to steemit up vote bots and so much more. Please Upvote, Resteem, And Comment Below!

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