FUCK BIG BANKS (Especially Bank of America)! BTFD! BUY STEEM NOW!!!!

As you may remember from my previous posts, the big banks SUCK! And Bank of America I have personally shared my bit with them. How they FUCKED me over and later admitted no wrong doing in a class action lawsuit where they returned our money but refused to fix our credit after claiming we were writing fraudulent checks (which we weren't AND why would you pay us 2 years later if YOU really believed we were?)!

OH gee the HIGHEST litigation cost from the 2008 housing market crash, stock market crash and bank bailout was.... Get ready for it.... Bank of America (BAC)! Who could have guessed the biggest crooks on the planet have the highest cost for litigation (getting sued)!

You know you are a special kind of sleazy corporation when your costs for litigating the shit you GREATLY helped cause are higher than JP Morgan AND Wells Fargo COMBINED! Which are pretty sleazy to boot!

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