Economy Predictions By Big Deej

I think we are going to get another crash soon 6-18 months soon (soon to me is under 3 years). The fed is raising rates, and I believe the plan is to blame Trump for the biggest crash ever. The QE bail outs created soooooo much currency that is backed by nothing and the fed is dumping their assets back to the public at INSANELY inflated prices right before imo their crash. If you watched powell at the fed meeting a few weeks ago he was asked a question about how things "looked very similar to 2007 and resemble a crash" his response was basically "well yes historically that is true but we figured it out this time don't you worry, no more questions"

If you have been paying attention, you know what is going on. 10 years ago the fed said almost the EXACT same thing Powell did just a few weeks ago.. "Everything is fine don't worry we figured it out this time, default rates are low and nothing will happen".... Yeah sure...

Here is the scary part... I talked to a group of young adults 18-22 the other day. Not one of them remembered the 08 housing crash! NOT ONE! Two of them had parents that lost homes over it and they don't really remember it. They remember moving, but they don't really get what happened!

WHAT do you think is going to happen? Look at this graph of USD currency created over the last 30 years:

To me it is simple, ALL that printed bullSHIT currency is going to reflect in a mini hyperinflation and ANOTHER recession or worse depression occur! They don't call it The Busines Cycle for nothing:

See the pattern?? When things got REALLY bad what did the fed do? Print INSANE amounts of currency... This NEVER ends well! I leave you with Mark Maloney's "Hidden Secrets of Money" series:

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