Thank You a Thousand Times

Followers are paramount to any label on social media. Without your followers, you would have no one to share your content and engage with, causing your social media presence redundant.


When I started this blog in July of 2017, I intended this web page to be a place where I could express myself; share my notions, stories, and verdicts. I commenced because of my passion of creativity, writing, and photography. I am a massive travel and lifestyle enthusiast, so I thought it would be fun to scrawl things down the things that I love and get exhilarated about.

I’m just a young lady with a lot in mind. What I choose to write about is stimulated by what rouses me, intrigues me, and delights me. I was never confident in my writing, and to be honest, not even now. Steemit has changed my life. It has given me friends worldwide. These friends gave me enough hope to keep the flame burning — that is, to keep my love for writing alive. They have inspired me to linger and persevere in my craft. Their continued support have helped me keep this blog running.

It’s amazing how much this website has progressed over the past few months. What an honor it is to be followed by 1000+ Steemians! I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity, and I’m eagerly anticipating a future full of possibility and elation. Being able to attain this goal is so fulfilling! You may not think much of pressing that little follow button, but, I cannot tell you how much it means to me! I could go on and on because your nobility and contributions are limitless!

Steemit is by far my favorite social networking website, and although I don’t post nearly half as many images as I’d like to right now, the amount of support you give me is incredible! You are heartening a small-time blogger, a struggling yet striving writer like me. You gave me enough determination to persist my dream of blogging. You make blogging a whole lot more enjoyable which is what it’s supposed to be. I’m overjoyed that we’re all relishing the community of reading and writing.

I have been trying to conjure up the right words to express my appreciation to you all, but the words are difficult to find and aren’t enough. I wish I could send each and every one of you a personal note to show my gratitude, but that will take me a long time to do. So, please accept this post as my way to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, for your time in following me. I am truly grateful for all of you who have brought in so much warmth into my small blogging world.

I’d like to give a special shout-out to these people for inspiring me; for making me think, believe, trust and learn. :

To my family,

Thank you for allowing me to flourish into who I wanted to become. You never mandated me to be anyone I wasn’t, instead, encouraging me to become the person I really wanted to be. Thank you for always believing in my capabilities when I didn't. Thank you for helping me through all the tough times and for cheering me on during my achievements. You are my all and I don't know where I'd be without you.

To my supporters,

Thank you for doing something as simple as telling me I did a good job while working the things I'm passionate about. I owe you a lot for helping me stop doubting my abilities. That’s why, I want to take this moment to praise you for all your efforts. Why? Because you deserve it! I love to read your blogs. I love to connect and share thoughts with you. I value all your upvotes, comments and resteems very much! This blog has been viable only because of all the influence and motivations that you provide through your feedback and interactions. It brightens my day, you have no idea!

Here are a few awesome Steemians you can check out in your spare time :

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me uplifting messages! Thank you for your confidence in me, you have really helped to make things run smoothly.

Thank you for all your fantastic travel tips and advices! I’ll definitely be using them in the future!

Tom delivers art and literature with ease. I fell in love with his blog because of his brilliance! His generosity is authentic, too! Plus, he exemplifies best practices in quality posts and blogging protocol. He doesn’t bounce from site to site giving out “upvotes” just to collect followers. He cares about the blogging community and set standards. People come and go, but he never left me. It is great to always have a constant. Thank you, Tom, for being that constant in my blogging life. Thank you for recognizing my works when I felt like I did not deserve it.

Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done! I love the comments I usually receive from you and when you resteem a post I’ve written. I’m glad that you’ve come along with me on my journey!

Thank you for being one of the most committed, compassionate, and intelligent followers a blogger could ask for! Thank you for being a mentor to me and guiding me down my own path to success. You have assisted me through some amazing significant changes in my career. I appreciate the role you played in helping me get here. I promise to work hard to maintain the trust you have given me.

Thank you for traveling with me for the past months! You have been there to take my photos, watch movies and eat with me until all hours. I thank you for your part in my journey!

This remarkable author is one of the few whom I look up to. I read his positive comments on many sites, even those of beginning bloggers. He is genuine and thoughtful! I have witnessed everything, from his followers consoling him during his sorrows to congratulating him on his triumphs. Thank you for setting an example of how to lead and inspire, Terry!

The sweet lady named Sweetsssj is a storyteller par excellence! She captures the heart of many with her beauty and character. She produces astounding articles consistently. Thank you for being a humble and inspiring influencer, Sweetsssj! You have helped me bloom in this community. You are a treasure; and I want to acknowledge what a great person you are and all the marvelous things you do to make this community a brighter place to write in.

Thank you for all of the advices and wise words you’ve provided me over the past months. At first, I was a bit intimidated by other amazing blogs I’ve seen around, yet you encouraged me to post whatever I want to. By then, I slowly began to grow as I post increasingly.

To these people and more, thank you for making me realize that life is worth writing and dreams do come true! To all of those who followed and read some of my posts, I hope I’ve been able to help open your eyes a little, encouraged you to make your own bucket list and do the things you’ve been scared of or have been putting off for a while. I will keep on writing and I look forward to welcoming new followers and continuing our blogging journey together!

How many people have helped build your foundation? Who would you like to thank? Share it with me in the comment section!

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