My Fave Voting Bots

A few weeks ago I found out I can only give out 11 votes at full power before my votes stop counting (don't pay out as much). I honestly still don't understand and I'm still looking for the voting slider thing - but I figured I had a problem.

So I tried to discipline myself to 11 votes a day. First couple of days I was so mindful of not going over I didn't vote enough. A couple of days after that I was hitting my 11 target and then the weekend came.

Weekends mean Ben's home and I can tether off him. It also means it's gaming time and I'll have about 10 minutes in between Rifts to kill while he's sorting his gear out (ahh the life of gamers!), which means I'm cruising Steemit almost all day, like today.

Soon enough I went over my quota and gaming time was no where near finished.

In comes @discordia

First off. I used to use randowhale - It seemed like everyone was using it so I thought I'd see what's up with that.

Then @sirknight very kindly put a discordia bid up for me and I was like what's this?!!

I found out (should have known) it's @ausbitbank 's project. Being a regular recipient of @centrelink 's generosity and someone who places a lot of value on loyalty and my ability to spot genius, I jumped ship straight away. Ya'll just don't know how much love I get from these guys and if they got something new on - I'll be there, in the first row, with the cow bell.

An upvote from @randowhale costs 2.000SBD an upvote from @discordia can cost anything you want from 00.001 SBD to whatever really. I like 00.008 cos 8 is one of my lucky numbers and symbolizes infinity :) I'm sure there's a number you shouldn't go over cos then you're paying more for the upvote (or whatever) - I do not know that number.

But my point is that's a lot of 0.008 votes in 2.000.

Did I mention if you do it for someone else they can get a bonus up vote from @ausbitbank and @ausbitbot ? Hell yeh I'm in!

Do I actually know how much I'm getting for my money?

Nope! But I reckon if it's at least 8 cents I'm happy :)

This voting restriction has been a right pain in my behind ever since I found out about it and I've been hustling to get my Steem Power up so I can make a difference but this has just made my life easier and has enabled me to sleep better at night knowing if I really like a post and I'm out of upvotes for the day I can get discordia to do it for me.

I should also mention @lovejuice which I think works similar to discordia but it's made by @aggroed who is another champion of the community, famous for his work with the minnows.

I also get upvotes from minnowsupport so I figured why not use lovejuice and give back to the people who give to the community every minute of every day.

More info on discordia here

More info on lovejuice here

discordia image by @fortified

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