Today's my 1 Year birthday on Steemit. - Reflections. Pictures. Crypto. Liberty. Pizza. | My 17,276th post on Steemit & 879th Blog Post.

I've sat back for awhile & reflected knowing this day was coming. I have learned a lot on Steemit and met a lot of good people.

I am not feeling great today with headaches again, and did not work a draft of this post up in the days leading up to this, so this is all fresh today as most of my content is.

My templates I have built and use when I run my various Steemit Series' on here for consistency and branding, have saved me a lot of time from a Value of Time perspective. I would encourage everyone to consider building templates to help you, also.

All of our times are limited and finite. Your results here do not have to be.

Here's just a bit of what's running through my mind today on my 1 year Steemiversary.

Barry 1 Year Aniversary #SteemVersary on Steemit - EDIT showing 365 days on SteemD.jpg

This post you are now reading will be my 17276th post on Steemit and according to - it will be my 879th Blog Post I have written assuming those stats are reasonably correct.... this is where my journey here today begins.

I've learned a lot and laughed a lot.

I've learned to care about Liberty even more than I had previously as a real life activist doing real life protests and speeches and things to help people and the case of true Liberty that has been stolen from humans inch by inch over decades.

Steemit has helped me in many many ways. Many of us feel the same I think. I guess you could say we are all...

Learning & Earning

Stats: Being a Steemit Whale & Maintaining a Minnow Mindset:

I have become one of the top bloggers on the platform in terms of sheer number of posts and comments (almost 900 blogs up now, #900 coming in the next few days) -- and a total of well over 17k (17,000) comments and blogs, combined.

I've also become a top Steemit community earner in terms of total account value, total Crypto assets / rewards earned here, and all that good stuff.

We are called to help and encourage one another.

These stats I reference and update regularly on my Milestone Posts which can easily be found if you like by searching the stat sites here or by referencing my last milestone post here:

As of today, there are 300, 671 accounts on Steemit. I reported on us crossing the 300k barrier live the other nite on my page!

You can see those stats here:

I have been very active on Steemit trying to help others, spread good info, build community and stand up for what is right when I need to for the greater good.

I am in the Top 1% or better in basically all stats categories now for quite awhile here on Steemit.

I picked a shot from that Milestone Post there --- because this post is not all about my stats but it is a PART of it.

Here I am #120 all time now on Steemit for total value of posting rewards as of 48 hours ago:

I never thought out of over 300,000 accounts now, I would be anywhere near the Top 1% of anything here honestly --- so I know how it feels to be lost here and unsure of things.

If I can do it -- anyone can frankly and that is what I have said many times here and why I post stats in part -- to show people regular people can do good things.

To encourage people.

To encourage YOU.

My Related Past Milestones/ Dates/Stats: TLDR / (I Joined August 7th 2016)

10,000 Steem Power mark on March 25th, 2017
10,000 posts - 5-8-2017
1000 followers - 5-18-2017
1200 followers / 12,000 posts on May 31st, 2017.
15,000 Steem Power ~ June 10th, 2017
2000 followers & 14,000 posts - June 23/24, 2017
2500 followers & 15,000 posts - July 6th, 2017
3000 Posts - July 23, 2017 (16k Posts earlier that week)
70 rep. on May 2nd. I hit the 71 Rep. Score ~ June 20th ( ~48 days to move from 70 to 71 Rep. )
3300 Followers & 17,000 Posts - Aug. 4th, 2017


11th overall in total post count.
Top 70 - Reputation Score
Top 500 - Steem Power
Top 600 - Total Account Value:
Top 120: Total Posting Rewards:
Followers Ranking: ~ Top 105:
Top 25-50 Authors

Current as of that last milestone post I shared above 48 hours ago.

Looking Long Term & Not Just for the 1% or Short Term:

I have seen the good and the bad and the ugly here. This is not a perfect community and likely nowhere is.

I've taken stands to help the greater good here long term, and lost support by people concerned about looking the other way when issues arise for the 99% of people here as long as they are making money or gaining traction politically.

-- That's fine.

It needed to be said, as I am always balanced. Not everything is about shiny ponies and unicorns.

If the masses are not looked after, growth and ALL of our investments here will not prevail and it will be limited, I will say again.

Thankful for the Support Along the Way:

While I am proud of that, I have been focused on building community I say again. I also could not achieve some of these numbers and reach with my posts without the community votes and consistent support of a few good people along the way.

-- And I know that and am thankful for the help and support no matter who it came from or in what form. I am not naming names, because there are too many to thank, I don't want to leave anyone out or hurt feelings, and the support has come in many ways, not just donations and votes or whale support.

It has allowed me to help others here, donate to them and their causes and needs. I have been helped. I have earned. I have given back. I have never forgotten the help I have received.

New Crypto/Steemit Family Arriving Daily: Help One Another.

I have never forgotten how lost I was when I came here last summer learning my way here and in Crypto in general.

I hated feeling lost. I always remember this feeling and this is why I try and write my content in a way that is very (#Steemit101) focused and that # and or phrase will always link to my content -- so new users can find helpful things.

I have also received help along the way. I have tried to pay that back out and help others in need in terms of raising awareness of their causes, donating directly to them, here or off chain outside of Steemit and our community and ecosystem.

I run my blog most days, in the mindset of wanting to help and reach the many many new people coming to Steemit and Crypto daily. I work at that -- and I stick to that.

Why? To build community.

The Philosophy of Steemit:

Build a Community. Help One Another.

Blog. Comment. Find Good Content.

Get Paid.



Encourage each other. Kindness.

Community Building.

Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction.

Friendship. Relationship Building.


Liberty: The Peaceful Revolution of Better Systems.

We are onboarding new people in Steemit and Crypto by the truckload daily. People who are sick of government interference, stupidity, collusion and oppression.

We are part of a Liberty based Revolution.

I believe it is high time for the PEOPLE to take back their Liberty, Money and Governance.... and rid themselves of the Evil Empire that has stolen these from all of us in our Global Village we all live in.

STEEMIT has changed me:

I have become a more critical writer and communicator.

Blogging and commenting in earnest every single day changes you. If you are honest about it and care, and let it. It has to.

It's a huge process.

Except for the 5 weeks total I have taken off, and the very rare day I do not blog, and feel burned out and need a break (likely a lot less than 1 day a month I take off!) -- I am here every day.

It has caused me to learn the value of cutting down words needlessly inserted or used.

It has caused me to be a more critical thinker when writing and replying and communicating in general.

It has caused me to re-read my own words daily, editing them when needed to be more clear - precise or abbreviated.

Community Building: Not just Blogging

-- I am trying to build a Community and I blog about this, nearly every day in my posts, be it the content, the signatures or phrasing I use, etc. to show new and older Steemians alike, that this is a community.

I talk about this a lot, because this is what I believe. And what we believe is important to us.

Steemit People have become REAL People to me.

Friends. Family. Community.

I have met a lot of great people here, people I talk to regularly now, outside of Steemit by way of email, Fascistbook, and Twitter etc.

I have mailed things to people!! They have mailed stuff to me!

l have tried to check on people who I do not see posting here or on other social media that does not pay us, to see if they are OK.


I want people to know they are missed and valued.

Creativity Boosted.

I have become more creative in terms of my writing and my meme-making abilities.

It may sound dumb, but memes in this TLDR society we have become an effective way of conveying a message to people in a short short period of time, when you have about 3 seconds most of the time, to grab attention or make an impact.

I have really tried to put a pizza my heart into this place with all of you!!!!!

Crypto Gains

I will not get into details but Steemit has helped me learn about, invest in and boost my Crypto holdings. And for that I am thankful.

That can be kept short and sweet and do not mistake my brevity here, for anything other than complete gratitude.


I've been a real / boots on the ground activist / IRL Liberty guy for years in my city and country of Canadastan.

I have challenged the lies and corruption and ineptitude in government policy and the rising police state and if you search my name, plus a few related key words, I am not hard to find.

Steemit has allowed me to connect with, learn with and actually prosper in all areas of my life --- with many other like minded people gathered here for the Liberty mindset and movement.

I think that is just awesome.

I am going to end it there. I am not sure how many people are still reading but I think like my personal stats / Milestone updates...... I do some things for my own archive and inner solitude, as much as to help others learn.

I am doing my best to give thanks - in all things.

I fail at it daily but I am doing my best and just keep getting back up when I am knocked down, which has been plenty, believe me.

We can do more if we do it together.

Here is just a partial list of some of the people who joined Steemit on the 7th of August 2016 when I did:

@ats-david, @krnel, @etcmike, @barrydutton, @jthej70, @runridefly, @englishtchrivy, @jlufer,, @daniel82, @creatr, @contentjunkie, @sauna, @decimus, @cacophony, @anonymario,, @charlie777pt, @lesliestarrohara, @loganarchy, @shenanigator, @non-judgemental, @darkflame, @foxkoit, @antoinev, @seungwonkim, @skum, @paullinator, @davewmcdowell, @gbonikz, @jobyweeks, @wesley90, @escapeamericanow, @alktoni, @ironwood, @jakemccauley, @rustysmetals, @playerdeus, @ines-f, @invisiblegorilla, @newandold, @heiko, @curving, @rdg296, @roguemoney, @scubasteve, @daniel030, @sharingeverybite, @idimitrov07, @nulliusinverba, @iamdavidl, @djdmc, @ratinct, @crowe, @trendwizard, @balance99, @carloseclectic3d, @manosteel211, @stiant, @damianquestiny, @bitcoin3d, @seva, @cutie, @elemenya, @lancem, @redeye, @esecholo, @mikeonfire, @wannabite, @nojin, @simon-says, @cryptoeasy, @punjammies, @ragingliberty, @seanengman, @sammie, @klaasjongsma, @sextant, @jchiogna, @colinklein, @jimcorrao, @raseukinapobri, @hypokus, @ommmnamaste, @ihatelife, @olesya, @blackgerbera, @lequesne, @magdalen, @sumiiit, @seb2point0, @aaronsuncamacho, @misty0mind, @silverbug2000, @steemgenerator, @jtech11, @voluntary, @christiangruber, @jtstreetman, @wordpress-tips

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Images most days unless noted or obviously mine / stated otherwise: Gif's - via , Funny or / Pixabay.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

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