PUH-LENTY! 🔶 Perceptions & Manifestations of Scarcity Thinking in the Steemniverse

I like to think of Steemit as representing the possibility and promise of new paradigm dynamics - bringing closer the experience of abundance, decentralisation, freedom and other such hitherto rarely tasted goodies! In this regard, I've also been thinking about the notion of Abundance and its opposite, Scarcity - about how these energies play out in the Steemniverse and how they might be influencing the behaviour and action of Steemians in un/sub-conscious ways. This post falls within the realm of speculation, it is not judgmental and I draw much material from an internal observation of my own reactions and experiences. I'm attempting to look at something that may be quite subtle. If this speaks to you, please read on.

Let's look at a simple definition of basic concepts:

  • Abundance: the situation in which there is more than enough of something. source
  • Scarcity: a situation in which something is not easy to find or get. source

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If abundance does indeed exist, it follows that entering into a scarcity mindset, with its overwhelming focus on lack, is a completely redundant activity - superfluous and not required. We all win, regardless! I believe in, and live by the notion of abundance. I have brought myself to consciously experience the seeming paradox whereby I haven't had basic and wanted possessions of material abundance, nor the means to procure them; yet came to realise that I actually did have everything required for my immediate needs and therefore had no reason to worry. The situation will change, my wants will be met – it did, and they were - such have been my experiences time and again! I consider financial security to be a factor of how much one worries – is insecure - about the subject of one's finances. From that POV, there is a strong correlation between experiencing abundance, and not worrying about finances. Do please note that by worrying, I mean excessive and circular thinking around an issue when one can do nothing more to resolve it – especially where there is no immeditate control or influence over the situation to be had!
A discussion of abundance and the abundance mindset is to be found in @taskmaster4450's excellent post on the subject - Do You Have An Abundance Mindset???? STEEM Is Providing, Why Do You Fret?. It goes into:

  • what scarcity is and what having a scarcity-mindset implies;
  • what abundance is and what having an abundance-mindset implies;
  • how abundance applies to the Steemniverse;
  • why there is no need to worry about being left behind!

If you find yourself in states of mind where you are frustrated, envious or otherwise concerned about how to be 'successful' on steemit, I strongly reccommend that you take a look at the article for some soothing vibes that might hit home - see if this approach makes any sense to you!?

I would now like to consider the manifestation of scarcity mindset on this platform. This is an aspect that often remains hidden away in psychological recesses and learned and conditioned myths of lack. The theoretical aspect of 'scarcity' might be easy enough for one to consider, but are we able to observe it in our own actions, behaviour and thinking?

Fear is BFF with scarcity thinking – I'll be left behind, won't get enough for my needs, can't keep up with the others, not good enough, wasting my time etc etc. One can be keenly aware of the energy with which an action (such as the impulse to post, comment or follow) is undertaken - I consciously realise I'm doing something...how does it feel?...what prompted the action?. If there is any element of fear/scarcity thinking behind it, this can be identified.

The following are some examples - to my mind - of actions born of scarcity thinking. Please consider that I emphasise the state of mind in which something is done as being the subject of this scrutiny – the action itself may be done with the full awareness of what it is and entails. Conscious vs unconscious choices!

  • Strategising one's approach to Steemit in terms of prioritising earnings – the push for maximising earnings is the determining factor for the frequency and subject-matter of posts and comments.
  • networking for profit – looking at connections with eyes that prioritise the usefulness of the connection in terms of assisting one's earning potential.
  • feeling stressed about being left behind – those folk are doing such a slick job of it - how can I copy them? I'll never get there myself!
  • observing other users employ blatant tactics that unapologetically push for maximum profit and thinking if everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I?, and possibly following suit.


Knowledge is power! If I am doing something unconsciously I don't know why or what it is and I am thus enslaved. I don't wish to be governed by unconscious patterns of conditioning any more. I don't wish to give my power away. I'm not a slave! I want to know why I am driven to do this or that. Then I can make up my mind if I wish to or not – no value judgement here, no good/bad/ugly stuff. Just plain ol' facts rather than speculation, conjecture or myth.

For me, the pleasure and benefits of being on Steemit come from self-expression and the release of pent-up creativity. There is also pleasure from genuine and agenda-less connection with other beings. These pleasures and benefits become diluted when I take any of the above bulleted points into consideration, trying to build a post with them and prioritising them over independent, free-flowing self-expression. I'm liable to get lost in 3rd person speculation – looking for subjects that are likely to be popular (even at the expense of my personal interests); crowd pleasing and appeasing; doubts and lack of clarity in thought processing etc. Where there is abundance, what need to compare stashes, or to actively go about collecting? These activities become unnecessary IMO. Rewards may be lower and slower, yet they may perhaps be more valuable as they are paid in self-esteem as well as crypto! If I engage with the hungry and frustrated energies, they kick back at gross and subtle levels, moulding and shaping my perception; forming habits that enslave me and leave me feeling hollow, regardless of crypto-payout. It seems to be universally accepted on Steemit that one has to really - and like really really really - go about planning and working to be successful. And fair enough, it is generally true that a lot of energy is required to establish oneself here! But what is being planned and what worked on and what is the quality of this energy? Does success mean crypto-financial success alone??? Maybe for some, sure, no problem, but not for the many dissenting voices that I have come across, and with whom these words may resonate!

What sense do we have of our potential as creative masters? Is there a notion of how we may be exchanging our ability to express this for a handful of ill-fitting trinkets designed in some Dontgivashit factory? I'm figuring it out too guys, but it is worth considering isn't it? It's not so much about altering behaviour per se, but more of questioning the behavioural impulse to act out of fear, worry etc, and of closely observing its presence and effect. This act of noticing, of observing these patterns is at the same time, and without further effort, also the act of liberating oneself from them. The benefits are holistic and permeate elsewhere into one's life. It's definitely worth considering the payoff in terms of how one's energy gets used, and how much of the powerfully creative and individually self-expressive energy that you have at your disposal is being funnelled into fear-based thinking!

Thanks for reading.


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