The story of Al-Zir Salem

 Al-Zir Salem is the Mahlhal Uday ibn Rabia ibn al-Harith ibn Tawful is one of the Arab poets known as Abu Laila. He is one of the famous Arab heroes in the Jaahiliyyah. The poet Amro Al-Qais is the poet Amr ibn Kulthum, and because of his great preoccupation with women in his youth, Women. He is a famous figure throughout history, so his story has been the focus of many works of art. His story is rich in social and historical events from which many lessons, lessons and principles can be derived, embodying the long period known as the Bessous War.


The story revolves around the clip of my brother Zair Salem, the leader of the tribe of Rabia, who loved his great-great-granddaughter, but her father married her to the king of the tribe, after giving her tribe boxes filled with gold, and after that decided to clip the youth of the tribe, and hid in boxes and fun The bride is exalted, and when they arrived at the palace, they came out of it and killed the king at night, and at that time he was still a small child. The clip of the wife of a clip hated Zir Salem, so it was incited by his brother Clip, and after a number of years came to the tribe of a woman called Albesbos, which is The sister of the king followed, and developed her honesty as a faithfulness in Jassas without linking them closely, and when the bandage of the camel was taken around the tribe until he saw her clip; killing her by mistake, and as a result of war broke out between the sons of a time people Jassas, And his brother, Clip, as a result of the refusal to wear a video clip by giving her a hundred suits instead of the nicest Tola. Gisas seized the opportunity during the war, waiting for his sister's husband to kill him in front of his sister, but no one else knew. When the news came to Zair Salim with the death of his brother Kulib, as usual in one of the bars, he deprived himself of wine and women until he avenged his brother. At the age of twenty years, the war between the two tribes lasted for forty years, and Galila, who had given birth to a video clip born in the name of the Hijras, married in those years an older man from another tribe, and when her son grew up told him his real father clip, Her son Aljhrs to his uncle Zair Salim, and cooperated together to take revenge What killed Jassas, the hero of the story, which Zeer Salem was killed by two of his servants, in the hope of his money.

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