Why Are You Writing Stuff on Steemit?

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Are you just posting stuff because you think you'll make money here?
Are you expressing yourself?
Are you saying something to make a difference?
Are you sharing your expertise?
Are you sharing your passion?

I see so many post on Steemit which is really just rubbish content. Doesn't say anything, doesn't have a personal perspective on things, doesn't have a point...

So what I ask you is:

Having a sense of purpose, understand why you do something can change the direction and the potential results. Maybe you are just experimenting. Maybe a friend told you about this platform and you were curious. Maybe you want escapism. Maybe you have some free time during the day.

Be honest.
Share your story.
Share your thoughts.

Why do you write?

For me, I find that this is kind of a cool place to share my thoughts and tips on music education. Maybe it will reach out to a different audience, maybe it will make me write differently, maybe it will be fun. Who knows... but I know I'm writing to share these thoughts that I hope will make people think about jazz or guitar or music in a different way.

What about you?


Wanna level up your guitar playing ,music theory or songwriting or composing skills? Get in touch with me for private lessons in Kuala Lumpur or worldwide via Skype/Zoom/Facetime etc.

Contact me here: http://www.azsamad.com/contact


My new e-book, Jazz Guitar Licks and Etudes is now available:

My first e-book, Jazz Improvisation Uncovered is here:

[Az Jazz Guitar Lessons]
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #1: The importance of listening
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #2: Learning the 5 Essential Jazz Chords
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #3: Seven Guitarists to Check Out
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #4: Enjoying the Process & Your Present State
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #5: The Importance of Rhythm
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #6: Learning Songs by Ear
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #7: Learning the 5 Essential Jazz Chord Arpeggios
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #8: Introducing the II-V-I Progression
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #9: Learning the 5 Essential Jazz Chords - Part 2
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #10: Learning the 5 Essential Jazz Chord Arpeggios - Part 2
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #11: Modal Jazz Basics 1 - Classic Recordings
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #12: Modal Jazz Basics 2 - Dorian Lines
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #13: Improvising on Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #14: Scales for Spain (Chick Corea)
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #15: Bossa Nova and Samba - Classic Recordings
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #16: Performing Brazilian Music over the Years
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #17: Improvising with Clarity
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #18: Finding Inspiration and Facebook Hate Posts
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #19: To Learn Jazz, Play Jazz
Az Jazz Guitar Lessons #20: Tradition versus The Future

Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP01 | 18.05.2018
Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP02 | 19.05.2018
Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP03 | 20.05.2018
Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP04 | 21.05.2018
Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP05 | 22.05.2018
Az Samad | Az Jazz Guitar Lessons EP06 | 25.05.2018

Zee Avi & Az Samad - Cry Me A River
Chendering (Malaysian jazz song) with Roby Lakatos, Denis Chang, Az Samad and Zulhilmy Zulkifli

[Music Education]
How to spot a good music teacher
How to write a song in 6 steps
How to learn music
If we have the Internet, why do people even need guitar lessons?
Why I Started Writing Geeky Jazz, Guitar and Music Book Reviews

[Music Career]
I wanna be a full-time musician... should I?
When are you ready to perform for that big gig?
Top 3 Videos That Reshaped How I Think (Gary Vee, Derek Sivers, Steve Jobs)

[Things I Like]
My Top 3 Favourite Mateus Asato Videos

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