Jewish Supremacy: I Hope Steemit Will Not Cave in


Steemit’s Terms of Service, updated June 15, 2018 seems to suggest all might not be well for the users of this platform. Sections 12 & 13 are especially surprising:

  1. Discontinuation of Services.

12.1. We may, in our sole discretion and without cost to you, with or without prior notice and at any time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion of our Services…

  1. Suspension or Termination of Service.

13.1. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services in our sole discretion, immediately and without prior notice, and delete or deactivate your account and all related information and files…

I would like to know what the author of this article will say regarding these changed Terms of Service. The author stated a few months ago that Steemit is “censor-proof: Blockchain algorithms make what you post there permanent - once it is up, only you can take it down or edit it…”

Because of this belief that Steemit is totally censor-proof, many people who have been censored elsewhere had found a home. What is exactly going on?

I have been banned on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and VK. It cannot be because of anything illegal I have done because I have never been given any reason why I was banned, and no authority has ever accused me of doing anything illegal.

I hope Steemit won’t cave in to (((these))) people. If they think an author has libeled them, let them go to court. I absolutely would have no problem if Steemit gave out my contact details, including phone number to a legal entity that would want to investigate or sue me since everything I write about is 100% true.

Hopefully, no one will be banned merely for exercising their freedom of speech. It would help if Steemit assured users that no account will ever be penalized under the radar - That all complaints will be handled openly and any complainant told to seek legal redress.

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