There is a problem with cryptocurrency

So as I'm drinking my morning coffee I noticed something. Amidst all the speculating and mining I believe there is a fundamental problem with cryptocurrency. How does a person with very little capital "earn" crypto? Aside from mining and speculating the missing piece of the puzzle lies in user activity.


Enter Steemit; blogging for virtual cash. The concept is simple and seamless. You write about your interests and get paid. Upvote/share and get paid. And the kicker is you don't need any capital to start. It's so easy even your kids can do it. So my question is why aren't more projects following the Steemit model?

So how do these "coins" translate into real value. Because, lets be truthful, some of these coins do nothing. Sure you can trade them or mine them. But the secret lies in gamification of user activity. This will enable any currency creator the ability to reward users for tasks. By rewarding users for tasks developers can create a solid ecosystem of engagement and value.


Now there are plenty of "reward schemes" that exist. Some even deployed by Fortune 500 companies. The problem with these reward programs is they aren't abundant enough. Most people won't waste their time pursing pennies when they have to spend hundreds of dollars. Or you have to meet a certain threshold to get your reward. By this time the user has either given up or moved on to something else.

In the near future I see "people" or "user activity" being the new mining of cryptocurrency. As the "internet of things" takes shape cryptocurrencies will find it's way into our homes continuously. And truthfully, anything can be rewarded. From feeding your dog to brushing your teeth. Soon there will a currency for anything. And, most importantly, it will create abundance for all. ;)

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