A Poetic Public Service Announcement

To all of the budding Steemians out there and all of the veteran users who should know better...

(The poem will come after this...)

Here's a friendly word of advice, because I care:

Your daily circle-jerk posts about how awesome Steemit is and "how to" write a post/leave a comment/follow somebody/upvote your cheer-leading nonsense is getting old and it in no way "adds value" to Steemit or the Steem blockchain. We all know what these posts are...

A naked money grab.

At least have the decency to admit this to yourself, even if you outwardly pretend to be "contributing" to the platform.

And to the people constantly upvoting this crap to the trending page:

Have you no shame? Or are you just that lazy/useless as a "curator?" Do you honestly believe that anyone looking at this stuff from the outside thinks, "Wow! I'm going to invest thousands of dollars into STEEM because there's a $2000 post on Steemit's trending page about how to write a post on Steemit!"

Seriously...when will you be content with the hundreds/thousands of posts already out there that tell people how to complete rudimentary tasks on the platform? When will you be content with the hundreds/thousands of posts talking about how great everything is here and that are only written because there's a very good chance of earning easy rewards for them? And for that matter, where are the votes for the very thoughtful criticisms of the platform? For the posts that highlight some of the glaring shortcomings of Steem/Steemit that actually deserve a lot of attention and possible resolution?

You're doing nobody here any favors by jerking these circles day-in and day-out. It's just a black hole of rewards that add zero useful substance and attracts nothing but more of the same dull content by the same type of talent-less "authors."

Guides on how to use Steemit already exist. Refer new users to them. We don't need a top-trending post about Steemit every day, let alone multiple top-trending posts about Steemit every day.

And now some poetry for the users who just don't get it.

This is for old and new users alike. Please do your best to find the meaning in it:






And here's a bonus piece for anyone leaving the upvote me/follow me garbage on my posts:

If you spam me,
I won't spam you.
I'll just take your rep
To a negative two.

This has been a public service announcement by @ats-david.

It's about time we stop the BS. How about giving it a try for once? Perhaps for a week? Maybe we can try a new "experiment" - only this time, we can make sure it's not being conducted by a shameless hypocrite.

What do you say, "community?"


Image courtesy of @mynameisbrian

Follow me: @ats-david

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