

I found this train tunnel that was created in the year 1890. In tribute to the back breaking labor of those who created it, I thought it would be cool to share a little about what life was like in Southern Nevada in 1890.

Silver finding in 1858 started the momentum for Nevada, and in 1864 Nevada became the 36th state on October 31st. The transcontinental railroad crossed the state in 1869, other then that transportation was all done on horses, mules, oxen, and on foot.

Workers who built these tunnels had to be tougher then nails. Tunnels like this were made by hand, spike were driven into the rock and filled with black powder, inch by inch they worked their way through the mountain using explosives, pick axes, and carts to haul off the debris. Many of the workers were Chinese immigrants that where over worked, and underpaid. Safety was non existent and hundreds died.

Check out this article for more history on the building of the transcontinental railroad. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3147

In 1927 improvements were made on this tunnel and the concrete I am standing on was put into place.

As Always

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P.S. love seeing this $8 steem value :o

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