Never thought I would do this to Steemit!

"Advertising has come to Steemit"

I am not against all advertising, but I am against any that threatens the existence of Steemit as we know it today.

There are advertisers who are not supporters of the globalist left and thus would not seek to censor what we post. Yet, the admin here have chosen the worst of all companies to sell us to - Google.

You have noticed that they have recently decided to reward flaggers? They claim they want to stop the spammers!! Well, what the f* are advertisers?

They are anti free speech; anti Christian (actually, anti all religions except for islam); anti family and Corporate Marxists - and we are desperate to throw ourselves at their feet in the hopes of them throwing us a few dollars? The serf mentality has come to Steemit?

Sorry, it has not really - it just exists among our Witnesses and others who are in control, because they are not satisfied with their wealth and if screwing us means they make some extra dollars .... well, after what they have done, you no longer have to wonder whether they would - do you?

So, what have I done? What should YOU do?

I experimented and installed two (2) anti Ad programs (addon apps) and this is the worst of it: I have moved Steemit from the White List, to the Black List.

It has slowed my surfing a bit, was well worth it! I no longer have to watch those sh*t ads that intrude at the top and within the google does everywhere else - and now here. When I read your posts and the comments made, I do not get interrupted by those sh*t ads, I am free to concentrate on what you say. Isn't that the way it was meant to be?

Ghostery is the one - as for the other proggie, you experiment which works for you - we do not want to make it too easy for them to counter our strike for independence, do we?

--- I never thought I would do this to Steemit? The truth is, I am doing it FOR Steemit ---

BTW - If you are an islamist - WAKE UP. The globalists are only using you, they do not intend allowing you to take over - and they have the really big guns that will shatter you once you have done their dirty work for them. Stand up from now for your rights, alongside the rest of the world. (What are their really big guns? Food. They control it - and until you stop relying on them for everything, from rice to wheat, to corn and so on, you are vulnerable, whatever weapons you have. After all, all they have to do is not plant and you'll soon be using your weapons against each other so as to eat.)


Also, check on the witnesses you voted for. Are they part of this, did they approve it? Then cancel your votes! Now, while there still is a Steemit worth saving.

*** watch me get flagged to death - if it happens, it will be worth it...and since the blockchain immortalises what we post, it means this attack on their characters and mores will last for their entire lives. Heck, even their kids can see it 20 years from now. ***

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

16th March, 2019

  • posted on Steemit: 16th March, 2019

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