Moving from centralised to decentralised web is so much more liberating ....


Taste of digital freedom

This started a few days earlier on a Mastodon post, a friend suggested what alternatives exist that look similar to Medium but not with Medium's constraint or chaining to ecosystem. I casually remarked about using steemit but I remembered that I had myself used it many months ago. A revisit to steemit and then the subsequent journey through the ecosystem as I tried to recover my lost password took me through the rabbit hole to discover this magical world of decentralised web.

  • I do not have to deal with the chatter of twitter, I go for Peepeth and make new friends
  • Blog on Steemit through its system gives me a window into blogging and posting ideas that I share with the world and lives here
  • I can now ditch Google docs and go with Graphite docs: and the Graphite sheets
  • Instead of dropbox and Google drive, I use ipfs for file sharing
  • For photo sharing, I should be able to use I think

Yay, break free, finally!

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