Steemit Revolution 2016 -This might be the biggest opportunity for earlybird users in the history of social media!

Hello Early-Steemit-Community & Congratulations! 

Before I introduce myself (in the next post) I need to share the following with you FIRST!

You might already know how lucky you are to be an early user of steemit, but if not let me explain to you why I'm so hyped up.. and this is NOT just about money, but mainly about bringing back content of VALUE, possibly the biggest opportunity of 2016 and a major global change! You don't want to just be a witness, but be a part of it..

A wise man once said: Major Key Alert!...

(all jokes aside)...


At the moment 1.65 Billion people are active on #Facebook each month, 400 Million on Instagram and in total there are about 2.307 BILLION people who are active Social Media Users.

In just the first quarter of 2016, the social network's total advertising  revenue amounted to 5.2 billion U.S. dollars. Payments and other fees  generated 181 million U.S. dollars in revenues.                      

By now we all know that companies like Google or Facebook are making so much money only because WE are using their platform and filling it with content and yes it is a great network for people to use, a revolution of communication and self-expression, BUT how come there was not yet a way invented for content-writer to generate an income.. 

One platform that has in my opinion done the best job of them all is YOUTUBE. There are many Youtubers out there, some of them are able to call it their full-time job, for others it is a side-business and then there are the TOP-EARNERS who were the EARLYBIRDS of Youtube, recognizing its potential before the mass did:

Youtube - since 2005

SMOSH - since Autumn 2005

PewDiePie, Rhett and Link, Gary V - since 2006

Fine Brothers, Lindsey Stirling, Michelle Phan - since 2007

As you can see by the stats, today's TOP EARNERS of #Youtube were there before the network grew to a Billion Dollar Company. Besides the money and status what is important to notice is that the earlybirds were the ones who shaped the content, set the categories and value of the network. 

Today there are Thousands if not Millions of Let's Play/Gaming Videos and Channels that are similar to PewDiePie, tons of Youtuber in the Category of Comedy, like Smosh and extremly hot right now are tutorials, make-up tips and haul videos like Michelle Phan is doing it. Of oourse not all newcomers are .copying the old stager BUT the trend is there.

NOW to STEEMIT! *I'm so excited right now I don't know where to start* 

This platform has the potential to become BIGGER than Youtubem Facebook, and Instagram! Of course that is hard to believe right now but for a side not: "It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't done." 

Now the WHY is pretty simple to answer... Billions of people are using social media, writing content, posting pictures, uploading videos, tagging people, liking stuff, commenting... WITHOUT getting paid!!!

#STEEMIT is what everyone has been waiting for, a platform that rewards the people who create valuable content and are responsible for the growth of the platform. Everyone is willing to and enjoys to share something on #SocialMedia or just participate by commenting on other people's shared content FOR FREE and now what do you think will happen once the word gets around and people hear that they can continue what they are already doing BUT are getting paid for it on a new platform called STEEMIT?

Sorry M. Zuckerberg, this is in no way against you or Facebook, but I personally think that Steemit has the potential to become just as much of a Game-Changer and for some of us become a Life-Cahnger.

It's up to us! Either witness the rise of this #platform and watch all the already famous blogger, youtuber, insta-models take over Steemit, turning it into a beauty, fashion, lifestyle, games, comedy....-platform
OR (and I already found some great authors on here who write amazing valuable content) bring back real VALUE and reward authors who help, motivate, inspire the community! Let's make this happpen!

CURRENTLY: "Membership to is now under invitation only because of  unexpectedly high sign up rate. Submit your email to get on the waiting  list."

What this means for you and me...

... RIGHT NOW is the time to set a standard for this #network just like the early Youtuber did, let's make this about education (not the boring school-system based education), but let's motivate and inspire with passion and one last time... create value!



With that being said, I hope I'm not the only one who feels that way. Please let me know what you think, I would love to hear your opinion. Right now you don't know anything about me, so the next post will be a more official Introduction, but I could not wait to share my opinion on Steemit with you first! 

Sending much love and positive Vibes from Germany to the STEEMIT COMMUNITY around the globe!

- Annie :)

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