Steemxp Family.

Dear Steemxp family,

I bet all of you are still tired from organizing the first ever Borneo Blockchain Summit. It was a success. As I was taking photos, I see a lot of smiles and laughters. I feel the love despite everyone is struggling to compete with the heat and tiredness. Sometimes hugging yourself to keep you warm in the over cold room. To see you all helping each other and greet each other with a smile really warms my heart. I could not believe what a wonderful platform Steemit is to connect us all. I've been missing for so long but I was always welcomed. If anyone says that this is some MLM bulshit, I can knocked them out with just a punch. Imagined how angry I will be if I ever heard that. Haha.. was thinking of all the others who have left Steemit. I wish someday they'll return. I will always be here to welcome with open arms. Thank you for the love, the smiles and the chocolates. Haha.. hope you all have a good rest and awesome holiday. Till we meet again in real life, lets just connect here in virtual.

Thank you @darryljonesjr for the photo!

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