Steemit: Where does the money come from, what we pay to post content?

Have you ever wondered where are from money comes paid here Steemit?

A question a bit difficult to answer, but the answer is simple and short. Without any advertisement on the platform, this money comes from speculators. So I can say this money does not come from nowhere.

Who are the speculators?

Speculators are people who act directly in the market, be it stocks, goods, futures, past, or anything else, aiming for profits in the short or medium term. And on this platform everyone wants to increase their voting power and simply the fastest is to invest , Plus profit is right! In this way they make the market for cryptocurrence act according to their plans. And the market balances positive when you invest, and the price drops when you sell. Funny that even at the time of talking the platform acts on his modifications. Talking well of the platform goes up the value, because people believe and enter the network, speak badly can you bring the price down. Our plans here make the difference!

How to increase the value of the Steem currency?

There are only three forms, they are: Investing, Speculating or Advertising.


It's a long-term financial planning, it can help realize your dreams. As an example, planting a tree to harvest fruits in the future - both can be understood as forms of investments. Your money works for you. The investment has a greater security feature. The investor studies his investment possibilities, considers the risks and only then, when he already has high knowledge about the conditions of the business, he makes the decision to invest. In this case, the chance of return of the amount invested is much greater.


It means investing with conditions of uncertainty: the speculator buys a good trusting that he will value himself, so that he can then sell it at a higher price. The risk of this type of operation is very high, since at the time of the purchase of that asset, the speculator is never sure if that asset will even appreciate - and that is why generally speculating is associated with gains or losses of huge amounts of money .


With advertising it is possible for the platform to acquire high value in its currency, many have prejudice, but who chooses are we who are on the platform. Either we invest or speculate, or the advertisement will come anyway, otherwise the platform will unfortunately have no future.

Make it clear that there are no investments without risks, only risks with different types, raised to a greater or lesser degree. Even save money is risky, because of inflation.

The action of speculators and investors keeps the financial market in operation, although not always in a good balance of forces. Do you consider yourself a speculator or an investor?


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