Apocalypse Now...


No electric, gas or water...Looting has sprung out in towns all around me. Darkness to some mean slumber and rest but for those after the storm it is a means for Anarchy. Stores are being looted and people are being hurt. During a time of togetherness, we find those who only want for themselves. Hurricane Irma has left Florida knocked down and dragged out, but in the midst of the devastation we find oportunity for gain, from those who are already suffering.

We have been without electricity for 8 days now and there is no word on when it will be restored. The gas crisis has let up some but only after a ple from the government to only get what you need. It is a shame that people immedietaly go for the best for me scenario and screw the rest. Robbery and theft are not a means of easing our states pain. What happened to the sunshine state.

Irma has turned the Sunshine to Darkness and the freaks cone out at night

Stay safe my friends

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