A little Letter, not just for you @crypto.piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr,

i think you have a lot to do.
You did not remember me.
And for sure, there are a lot more things in your live,
than my "little" problem with you.
You send me some messages in my wallet from starting my little blog on steemit.

But i do not want to promote anybody or some else,
ho is asking me with a lot of "mail´s", all of the same kind...

Like this one:

"Dear @alucian, Perhaps I could ask you for little favour? Im helping a friend of mine who is trying to hire "International Business Development Manager". This post may not interest you directly but perhaps you could help and share it with friends and resteem it. Let's use our community to help people make business connections via Steemit. This is exactly what we need. Yours, Piotr // LINK: https://steemit.com/life/@blockshine/we-re-hiring"

In the past, i do ask you, to stop them,
with a please (german called, Bitte)
in my words to you.

Friendly, with Respect.

You did not stop it and you say, you will do it...
Then my words was harder,
and i tell you, i unfollow you from this moment.
With a please again,
to stop this Spam.

Yes Piotr,
for persons like me, this is a kind of Spam.
If Peoples look to Steemit, i think it look´s not good for them...

I wrote this artikel just with my little knowledge of the english language,
you should feel it, how i think about this...

It is Spam, wath you do.
@allaz and some others, i can tell the same.
You all Promoting boy´s and girl´s outside...
STOP this unpersonaly kind of doing in the Internet, PLEASE.
That is the wrong way.
You all know it, i am sure.
But People do, what you and others say,
because you have enought followers and money and, and, and.
You play with the hope of this people´s.
I do not like this.
I hate it not.
But, i can not look to this, without anything to do.
Wrote a Artikel
or tell the people personaly your ideas
in the less used Comment sector....
All Ok,
but do not Spam my Wallet again,
That is my last please, to you.
I have no other choice,
to change this problem and i can not longer see this ok???
Think about it,
and the other people´s should think about it, too.
If you not want to do this for me,
do it for Steemit and the healthy of the internet.
Little things, are big, too.

I wish you and your familiy a good time.

Greetings from

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