How to manage your time & organise yourself with Steemit

I have this feeling that a lot of us tend to waste time online. Since internet became a thing, more and more people are online, reading, playing, socialising , dating and the list goes on. 

The nature of what I do has been shifting slowly more online, which lead me to spending all my time on the internet.

Since I discovered about Steemit 1 year ago, I have disappeared from the world. My sister thinks I have joined a cult. I got so excited, fascinated by the platform that in the first few months I used to go to bed every night at 3-4 am. I read articles, comment on them and write my own things. 

The idea of Steemit has given me hope that finally I might have freedom to do what I love and have financial stability. As some of you know, I have been a Youtuber for 4 years now, creating incredible content that I give out of free and which takes hours and hours of work. I work alone, so I do everything alone. Its hard.

The concept is the same with anything you do online. Time is the most valuable thing you have. You cant get it back, you have to utilise your time correctly and you have to be organised. I wanted to share few tips with you about managing your time on Steemit and how to become more organised. 

The reason why I feel I can offer this advice, is because it is very similar to what I have been doing for last 4 years on my channel . I work from home and there are many distractions. So lets start with the basics. Now get some coffee or tea and start making notes!

How to manage your time on Steemit TIPS

1. Organise your day in detail. 

I meant it. Plan every hour what you are going to do. This helps to stay focused and on target. If you don’t have a plan, you don’t value your time.We all know how easy it is to just spend hours on Steemit, reading articles, voting, commenting… before you know it, you have spent 4 hours there. I am not saying don’t spend loads of time on Steemit, I am saying spend your time wisely and efficiently.

2. Set a specific time and day to write your article. 

Of course everyone is different and we all write about different things, but setting specific time for an article could be a good guide. Let’s say you want to do a recipe. Set aside 2-3 hours for the writing and cooking and make sure you don’t waste anymore time. 

3. Set specific time to promote your article and support others. 

We all know that by commenting and reading others work, they are more likely to read your work and appreciate the time you took to comment and up vote them. Set 1-2 hours a day after you have posted your article. Then go on rocket chat and support one another. Don’t spend more than that, because you will start to annoy people. 

4. Follow your favourite people and read their feed. 

They are always likely to post new things, so look out for new articles. If you get in early, not only will you get curation rewards, but you might be the first person to leave a meaningful comment which might earn you some cash too. This will save you time from getting lost in thousand of articles that are posted daily. 

5. Don’t get obsessed about your post. 

I know a lot of you, and I have done the same, sit there for hours watching your post, refreshing every 5 min to see how many votes it got and how many comments. Instead of doing that, go and comment on other peoples posts and use your time wisely. If it is going to do well, it will. You dont need to worry about it and get obsessed. I know its painful sometimes when you spend so much time writing a post and it doesn’t get noticed. But thats how it is going to be. Eventually your posts will get noticed by someone. Consistency is a key. 

6. Write down ideas you have about future posts

No matter where you are, write down ideas you have for Steemit. Think how can you let more people know about the platform. How can you spread the word? What can you do for Steemit? Write all silly and not silly ideas, because one day they will be your future posts. I have so many ideas, every day I have a new idea and they just keep coming.. I am going to post every day, and maybe even more in the future.

7. Use pointless time. 

What do I mean by pointless time? Waste of time for me is when I am travelling on a plane, bus, car or waiting for someone. What do most people do when there is not much to do? Nothing. So use your valuable time in these situations and start writing, planning, trotting down ideas. Right now i am in a car on my way to the airport and I might as well utilise the time and write this post. 

8. Go to bed early. 

Sleep is one of the most important things. We have to sleep in order to function properly. So before you do anything, your head needs time to rest. Sitting all night and staring at the laptop wont give you any new ideas and you are more likely to be less productive, so go to bed early! ;) 

I hope this helped some of you. Time is everything . Use it wisely!

Lots of Love,

Alla xox 

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