Enriching people

This post is a scribbled piece reflecting on the last two former resteemed posts by @kevinwong and @abh12345.
It has come about after reading many comments, and while its not about technical details, for this is not my focus at the moment, it's about the spirit of things...

I've always had faith in the mind.

My mind and my money

That is to say, I have thought, what is really important is what we think and how we feel about it.
I've had a long history of not worrying about material things, or the associated wealth counter that tally's our daily worth, called money, for I guess I thought it was all ephemeral, all fleeting.
So accordingly, the important thing is how we look at things, how we experience them, how we make sense of where, and who, and what we are.
Which I take as something personal.

It's not your role, or your status, or your job description, or your degree, or your achievements, or your net worth; it's your sense of self.
None of these attributes describe how you feel about it.
No amount of wealth or tokens sum up your value.
Whatever value you have lies in how you relate to who you are.

And 'Economics' is just another game.
Here on steemit we have just another way of tallying the score.
Though, I concede, it can probably be improved.
(see also the last 2 resteemed posts)
Still… the point of this ramble is, that the scorecard alone isn't what we should ultimately aim for.

If Steemit is to work in the long run then it will be a place where people can contribute, and share, and get value; where they can relate to others using the mechanism of the site to enrich and find value in the things they enjoy and love.

Economic wealth for the sake of economic wealth equals tulips, or so say's the critics (of crypto, just saying).

The platform is good. Let us hope that Steemit can be engineered or geared to enrich people and their experience.
I highly recommend reading the last 2 resteemed posts for far more detail and insight.


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