Busy Bee Me (Part One): Taking Out A Moment From My Current Busy -- ness...

This will be short 'n' sweet...

I've currently been so busy that I haven't posted anything new.

At the bottom of this page, I will give you a re-cap of everything, but I wanted to get to some new business first -- which is sharing this link with you:


There are a lot of exciting new developments going on here at Steemit.  Due to some matters I'm taking care of elsewhere (which I'll start sharing with you in Part Two), I haven't been as active here as I had originally planned to be by now, but I DID want to check in and post something new.  My guess is that, before midnight tonight, I will have put up at least three new posts in all.

Anyway, one place you can go to find out what all has been going on around here is in my goddaughter's neck-of-the-woods.  She goes by @tecnosgirl here, and her posts are amazing -- and I'm not just saying that because I'm her proud godmother.

Here's one of her current posts in which she shares how Steemit has helped her son ( @ultrawing ) out with his education:


Anyway, I'll be checking out some of her son's contributions later tonight when I'm settled in, but I hope that at least some of you reading this will beat me to checking him out.

Anyway, give me a couple of hours, give or take, and I'll be back with Busy Bee Me (Part Two)... (which, of course, hasn't even been written yet, as of this writing).

Here's a re-cap of my Steemit life thus far:

1.  While I've made it over here at different times to read around, leave comments, etc., I've only actually posted three of my writings since joining.  Here they are:




2. I also have at least one other piece in draft form, but, for some reason, I can't seem to locate my drafts at this time -- and I think that I might have figured out why...or, perhaps, there's another solution.  Anyway, I think my memory is coming back more now -- but more on this in another part of this saga (but not in Part Two, as I already know what it's going to be about, even though I haven't written any of it yet.

3. For now, I think I'm going to sign off just the way Michelle does:
And remember "Steemit Social Media, Done Right" 

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