What does Freedom at Workplace mean?

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HCMon August 14, 2015
Today we had the rehearsals of a “Natak” (play) named ‘AZADI-KYA SACH MAIN’ which we will be performed on the Independence Day celebrations, while reading the script of the play I realized seriously “are we really free?”

I am not sure about outside world as society and many other things matters a lot. So I won’t be discussing that rather I would love to share the next thought that came to my mind after this and that was ‘Freedom in Office’

So let’s start with what actually Freedom in Office means, Is it freedom to come and go any time you want or is it freedom to do anything you like apart from the task given, the answer I think is No. Freedom in Office we mean that the environment to work effectively. By Freedom in Office we mean the environment to work in an efficient manner.

What is office? A place, where you spend half of your logical time of the day, so everyone expect that the workplace should be a place where you can practice knowledge and learning you had gained. If you ask me, -if I wake up and think that “Ohh no!!! Today also I have to go office” then seriously you are in trouble.

I realized, that if I compare Indian constitutional rights and my company’s environment then maximum of them matches, for example right to equality, at the lunch time all the team members i.e. from project manager to Jr. executive everyone have their lunch together another example is of right to speak, there are weekly special sessions of the team with their leads and managers to discuss the problems and team building sessions and everyone is free to speak the problems he/she facing

But Freedom in Office is a two way process it’s like “What u will give it’s the same you will get”, so it’s not only the workplace from where you should expect, at time you also have to give something to your workplace too and that’s something at most times is a positive attitude

So I would conclude by saying that there should be Freedom in Office but it’s you who make a place a workplace so instead of pointing something, bring a change.

What do you think? What does Freedom at Workplace mean to you?

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