Tips For How To Handle Yourself When “Life Happens”

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Written by: Lindsay Sibson

“Ma’am, please step aside and sit over there.”

These are words that I now personally know that NO traveler wants to hear. I had just arrived off a plane to London and was going through passport control when I was told these words by a rather grumpy border patrol lady.

Considering I hadn’t done anything wrong, I followed the directions and patiently waited in a holding area. Fast forward to 7 hours later and I was being deported back to Venice, Italy (where I had come from), because the lady decided that my “intentions weren’t true whilst in the UK.” I was coming to visit a friend from California, yet the lady saw in my passport that I had been traveling for a year and assumed that I was coming to England to seek work.

I truly surprised myself by remaining absolutely calm throughout the WHOLE ordeal (even when I was being detained in a dark room and pulled out for interviews every hour like I was some sort of criminal)! This experience shook up my entire travelling world, considering I had already pre-planned my travels, purchased flights and arranged for places to stay for the upcoming 3 months – NOW that was all null and void.

I wanted to go left but LIFE forced me to go right.

It happens. To you, to me, to the person next door. Life doesn’t always work out how you want it to. You can’t control the events and outcomes for everything in your path. BUT – there is something that is always in your control…

Your attitude.

It is YOUR choice and YOUR choice only as to how you will react to LIFE. You can either have a “woe is me, life sucks, this is just my luck” mindset, or you can CHOOSE to search for the lessons, hidden messages, or silver linings.

An excellent mantra to embrace is: Always believe something wonderful is about it happen.

It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, the ups and downs of life will always happen. What truly matters is to develop an internal environment (your thoughts, attitude and mindset) that create a positive, happy and enjoyable life experience!

You can easily change your physical environment by traveling or meeting new people. But the thing is that, wherever you go, there you are. You bring your mind, your thoughts and your internal dialogue EVERYWHERE!

Follow these 7 mindset tips that will help you take ownership of your attitude and live a life of wonder and joy, no matter what:

  1. Recognize that you already have everything you NEED.

  2. Accept others as they are. Embrace their uniqueness and don’t become disappointed when they don’t change to meet your expectations.

  3. Stop living for “one day.” Accept yourself for who you are TODAY and become a person of action, especially if you’re wanting to change (your appearance, your job, your social circle, etc.).

  4. Listen to your gut. If you have a good “hunch” about something… go after it! If something makes you feel uneasy, back away. That little voice inside is there to guide you!

  5. Know what YOU want and go after it with determination. Know what you stand for and be authentic.

  6. Be PROUD! Give yourself credit for your accomplishments (big and small). Life is meant to be celebrated.

  7. You and you alone are ENOUGH. You always have been. You always are. And you always will be. If someone else does not recognize or value that, then that is on them. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and fulfill your heart.

The more I live, the more I realize that “things happen for a reason.” It may not happen when you want or how you want, but if you really want “it,” life has a funny way of making sure “it” happens.

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