Walking over to USPS today to ship 2 USB Solar Battery chargers to Ortigas100 in Africa! Help me and Stellabelle send 10,000 portable USB solar battery chargers to Developing World + We need to learn from Casey Neistat and VLOG especially Africans!

So I had done a post recently about how i bought solar USB chargers for @ortigas100 and other Steemit Africa members who have trouble staying online while traveling through places without electricity.


KaylinArt sent me 17 SBD so I can buy a couple $9 Solar Battery Chargers to send to Africa! When they arrive our Steemit Africa friends will make posts showing them being used and gifted to African Steemit users!


"In the third world, they're taking advantage of most plastics UV transparent to sterilize water. They just fill up an old hand-sized water bottle and toss it it up on a corrugated tin roof for a week or so and when they take it down, all the microbes have been fried. Somebody should have gotten the nobel prize for that."

I tried ordering from Ebay directly to Ghana and the ebay seller didnt ship there. I will have to walk over to USPS (Us Post Office) and ship two solar chargers right now. It will cost a little extra now to ship it again from me in California to Ghana but it will be fine and eventually we can have the retailer or even wholesalers in Asia simply paid the extra money to ship directly to West Africa for our current Steemit users ready to receive and test out these devices!

Ill be posting about it and show steemit the package and document my receipts and show myself shipping them out!!!! I hope it encourages more people to send cool electronics to Africa from steemit! Imagine when they start receiving PHYSICAL items in the mail JUST from signing up to steemit! ALL of their friends in Africa will SEE that these guys are getting SOLAR panels sent to them! everyone will want to join steemit!

I am a little scared about the reviews of these deviuces, how they are a lie with the amount of power they advertise. they cant realy hold very much of a charge,
"Too bad the capacity of them is a lie. All these units I have either taken apart myself or seen taken apart actually contain 2x 2400mAh lithium cells and not the claimed 30,000mAh capacity." says one youtube comment:

I should also show you THIS video review which is very harsh and people do NOT like these things...

UNLESS we actually get the right ones....They will still be helpful and I have tested them myself and they do work, but they don't hold as much of a charge as other battery bricks I have used, and so @ortigas100 will get two so he can have twice as much battery life, and these can be charged up without the sun to charge them faster, but we should be concentrating on ordering non solar battery bricks and finding the BEST solar chargers for the lowest price but which have the longest lasting batteries!

For now these devices will work and will do their job, providing a little extra energy for smartphones for a night or a few hours of heavy use but I want them to provide a day or two of continuous use, a proper battery bank, and these devices say they are a certain amount of mAH capacity and when they are taken apart they only have a fraction of the capacity they are supposed to have. So we should just keep that in mind and understand that they are not as powerful as they are advertised but we can always get more non solar and high quality banks. OHG but THESE particular devices DO have good ebay ratings and people wouldnt be buying them if they didnt work, I have tested the ones I will send and they do work, they just dont last as long as I would want them to, but he will have two to use incase one runs out.

(Here is what is possible! Solar panels and freely available cheap and free wifi and access to steemit to make money will improve lives more than almost anything! else)

if you know of a GOOD cheap battery bank or if you are good at using AliExpress or alibaba or even amazon or ebay to find the best electronics in a sea of different products, PLEASE help us find the BEST item to buy here! I need to find the best and lowest price battery bank AND if possible the best solar powered version, and I understand we may have to pay more than $10 like closer to $20 to $50 for a super high capacity battery bank WITH working solar panel to charge it....I know they do exist and I want to find out which one has the best reviews for the lowest price and I don't care so much about the solar panel as much as I want the battery pack to have a large capacity, I want the battery pack to charge a smartphone or tablet for at least a couple days if possible! I have used battery banks that allow you to recharge a smartphone multiple times allowing you to stay online for days! People can recharge their battery banks when they have access to electricity and then simply use the batteries and use their USB solar charger to charge up their other battery banks too since theyre all USB and plug into each other!

(Azuri Technologies offers a Pay as you go Solar panel systems in Africa, even Nigeria's president is working with this company and its VERY exciting! go look at their website http://www.azuri-technologies.com/ )

And if we have to sacrifice the solar panel to simply get a really cheap but high capacity battery bank, that is fine too, I think we should just buy loads of bulk battery banks WORKING high capacity battery banks that dont LIE about their MAH levels...(Many battery banks say they are 30,000 MAH when theyre really something like 2000MAH ) Because once we have lots of extra battery banks for our steemit users they will always have a way to stay online and they can collect battery banks and just charge them all at once (with cool cheap USB hubs we can send them to) and with 10 little portable USB battery banks one can stay online indefinitely as they are always able to go recharge them when they DO have access to electricity. And the next step is sending cheap android smartphones and tablets!

(Example Infographic from Azuri of how electricity access improves quality of life directly and so just IMAGINE how much more time and energy people can save with internet access to use Steemit and crypto currency! Steemiut should make one of these but showing the benefits of Internet, Wifi and then Steemit! like how a farmer can share photos of his crops, get some extra money from it, use the money to buy smartphone for his son, let his son blog and earn money, use the money to buy better farming equipment etc etc )

I would like to create another post soon to raise money to buy a simple $100 android tablet for AFrican Steemit Users like @ortigas100 which he can brand with a Steemit Sticker and make posts about how steemit helped get him a tablet to use steemit easier, and then more people around him will want to Join Steemit after seeing them send him physical electronics! Theyll be able to rasie the money they need to saturate their cities and villages with simple android tablets and smartphones and cheap or free wifi in more and more places is the 3rd pillar! SOlar battery chargers, cheap android smartphones and tablets, and then getting internet to more people is the hard part! We need to instal more free wifi which requires money to pay local ISPs as people in developing world all use mobile internet and pay alot for data and barely get any bandwidth and so they have to make their time online count! It's really not fair that we get to relax and use the internet as much as we want but the people who need it the MOST have to pay by the megabyte!

(We should make our own KIOKIT boxes of Tablets + wifi backup generators + battery that are a School/Office/Hospital in a box! )

Its terrible and we MUST find ways to positively disrupt their local Internet economy and find ways to not displace the local ISP and all their workers and the local phone data companies but we can help them upgrade and get more customers by helping boost internet infrastructure. More customers online = more cell towers = more internet infrastructure but we should help developing nations provide free wifi to every school with local free wifi business centers where any local entrepreneur can come and use free internet all day long, it will be like a decentralized office! People who dont even work together will end up working side by side , steemit users can all be in the same physical space while they go online each doing their own online work! It can all happen organically!

See how the KiopKit can be dragged around in a biox??

Or on a motorcycle!

And people don't really get how IMPORTANT a tablet can really BE here in the west! Because we have SO many of them laying around and because we generally have a laptop or smartphone to use, the tablets are seen as "toys" when actualy they are just as useful and powerful as any other computer but few of us know what its like to ONLY have a tablet!

When your tablet is your ONLY computer, you start to see how IMPORTANT it can be! They are REAL alternative to Textbooks in Africa! In the US kids cant use tablets because theyll get distracted and play games, but in Africa they leapfrog and the children use tablets to learn out of necessity because there may not BE any textbooks to use instead! But WHY use a textbook when you have tablet computers ready to learn from?!?! It's like writing with a quill and parchment hen pen and paper are readily available! Any child that has a good teacher who directs them to the best youtube videos can learn ALOT more from wikipedia and from educational youtube videos than they EVER could from books!

And more children can learn alot faster visually than from text! Few children have that solid reading comprehension and that shouldnt PREVENt them from learning All kids should be learning from Videos because they allow the most information to be retained and learned and they ALSO must be involved in the social media meme culture! Kids must be online to steer the narrative and use Youtube and make art and culture and African's will start to create some incredible youtube channels! Africa has SO many cool things to show on VIDEO so IMAGINE when Africa has their own Casey Neistat or when someone in Africa decides to become that great African Vlogger, using video editing to show all the BEST parts of Africa making in look very fun and exciting like it is while editing out any depressing parts! this will encourage more tourism and more and more Africans just need CONFIDENCE to show their home country of on video! ANYONE can do it! But you just have to have the CHARISMA! Most people dont SEE how amazing their home town of city really is because they are so used to it! they take it for granted and dont even see what a newcomer might see!

(EVen doctors and medical professionals can do SO much more with tablet computers!)

So to all my Steemit Team Africa people like @ortigas100 and @mcsaam and @tj4real and @xpency you guys should all "fake it till you make it" just make Vlogs where you speak to the western audience, talk to America and show them a TOUR of all the nicest parts of your country, starting with natural beauty, show the best beaches and nature trails and waterfalls and rain forests, show your strengths. I hope these solar chargers can help KEEP you online more to TAKE more photos and videos! I know uploading video is hard when it costs alot of money for bandwidth and you pay by the gigabyte of data but maybe we can help pay for your internet when you have steemit related work to do! And When you can VLOG more and freely use the internet without worrying about teh cost you are free to get SO much cool work done you will be able to upload photos and videos daily without worrying and we all want to see African Vloggers doing hat American and western vloggers do! but do it in Africa!

People LOVE seeing Africa like with Vice News! they love seeing the hardcore reality and the "grit" they also like seeing Africans using social media marketing techniques, like how Vloggers make money in the US from just recording videos of themselves, and applying them to Africa so Africans can also make money for themselves without any new infrastructure! They have the camera and internet so they have everything they physically need, the rest is all mental! ! We just have to get our Steemit members in Africa into the mindset of a great Internet Vlogger! And we can help edit their videos for them!

(stats for Youtube, and these are old!)

(Look this is just the MAKEUP and BEAUTY part of youtube! )

There is a certain MAGIC with making money online, and if you can make money with videos of yourself that's even MORE of a great magic trick! So let's help our steemit Africa members learn from great Vloggers, like casey Neitstat, and even if you dont agree with Casey Neistat (and i dont) I still have to admire his editing style (Or the style of his video editor) and we could all make successful Video Blogs by copying this style but for stemit related videos! Vlogging is POWERFUL and its something ANY of us can do! And so I hope these solar chargers help us get to that goal! I will start vlogging to give instructions o HOW to do it for steemit! They will be useful videos showing how to record and edit together an exciting and pleasing Video Blog (Vlog) on youtube and how to make it steemit centric so steemit watches the youtube videos!

Ok so it seems I went of topic here but did I really? Its al connected! And these solar chargers will help get us to the point where EVERYONE has internet all over the world so anyone will be able to get on steemit! OK Its off to the US Post Office for me! next post will show proof of me sending two solar chargers to Ghana for @ortigas100 wish me luck! I believe the baby mice I rescued and named yesterday, Kilo and Microgram, were sent to me to remind me about my purpose here and my work with Steemit to help people, and the people I want to help will be able to help more people around them.

(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs updated to show how Electricity and Wifi are primary needs in 21st century)

And this entire project will help Steemit get more users and positive attention but most importantly it will show people that helping others is NOT a waste of time and can be documented and profit can be made using steemit and it makes steemit into a great place full of people actively trying to help others even if its just for their own self interest, and helping others itself will be in our self interest as helping another human is simply helping yourself! Imagine all the work the 800 million chronically under fed humans could do if they were fuly fed everyday! They could become alot more productive for the world economy! So why not have fun and make money from helping others? That money we make can go back to helping even more money! AL charities should be on the blockchain so people can monitor where all the money goes!!!!! Steemit Butterfly Effect Pay it Forward matrix of compassion fractal!

Ok I am off to the Post Office now! Next post will be proof I sent the Chargers to Ghana hopefully Ill get a tracking number ETC and it will be great and then he can make a post when it arrives and I will take more time today to research some better battery banks and will order some high quality battery banks without solar panels if I can find a bulk battery bank deal, and ill see how much better quality solar chargers can cost! Maybe I can get some bulk deals for the same low $10 price each! I bet we can!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email zackza@gmail.com or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

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