Powered Up to 3000 Steem! + Finally got over 4000 Followers! + Let's get SBD to $40 + Goldman Sachs behind recent bitcoin Shakeup? Or are CryptoTraders now wrecking Fiat Bankers? BTC ready for $30,000 soon, Steem to $8 EOS to $25

I finally just bit the bullet and realized that while I have the SBD I should convert some to Steem and then power that up to steempower since I am SO closet to 3000! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting, upvoting and commenting/resteeming my posts and I apologize in advance for all the typos, I just always try to go back and fix them and I end up writing more words! I can't stop! Oh here is a screenshot of my recent powerup of 48 steem to get to 3000 Steempower!

Oh and Thank you so much to @jaraumoses from Uganada for sending me 9 whole Steem to help me reach my Goal of 3000 Steempower! It was a very unexpected surprise but it really is appreciated!

I went and upvoted the posts of @jaraumoses a few dollars each and will hope my other Steemit friends in West Africa can show you some upvote Love over their in Uganda and together you can have Steem as the new united African Digital Currency, wow imagine everyone on the continent of Africa being able to use ONE currency that actually goes UP in value instead of DOWN so Savers would finally be REWARDED for holding more and more money! It would save African people a lot of money in exchange fees if you all started to use Steem where there is zero transaction fees and you can finally begin to experience the network effect on a continental scale. Imagine the money everyone can make off of Africa when you all finally start utilizing all that land to grow food and to build massive luxury condos and resorts and massive suburbs with giant houses that are affordable and so many jobs online online that the internet will always allow people to make a living no matter what nation they are in as LONG as they have internet so all the governments should do is help with internet connectivity and watch private industry take care of the rest! Land Rights using blockchains will allow people to lend money against their land and use it to improve the property and we will see Steem as fundamental in connecting people and their money to make purchases large and small from food to houses and we will seriously use Steem as a BANK for the Unbanked and we WILL see BILLIONS of people coming to the steem blockchain with each Steem being worth 1 or 2 thousand dollars each in a few years! So yes anyone with a few thousand steem tokens will be GREATLY rewarded for holding that money in steempower, because we will be able to access a lot of liquid SBD without ever having to powerdown and cash out or spend our Steempower We can allow the principle to remain untouched and live off of post and curation rewards for life and pass down the steempower to our children!

This is what I believe we will see as responsible for recent bitcoin price drop? Maybe BTC was sold to drop the price so they could buy more at a cheaper price? OR MAYBE It is the Crypto traders who are fucking the Goldman Sachs and hedgefund Managers now?


The big fiat billionaires are putting their Bitcoin Hedge funds on Hold and they can't handle the risk of Bitcoin dropping, they get in a the top and expect to just make money without any corrections when everyone is expecting this to happen? Hah Billionaires who hold fiat will end up feeling like they have the purchasing power of a millionaire and millionaires who convert their fortunes into Crypto will end up having the purchasing power of a billionaire! But Fools like this man will end up loosing it all if they keep buying Bitcoin at ALl time High and then get out right after a massive correction, hah you are supposed to wait until you are in profit before you get out, LOL XD It is just so strange to see the wall street guys acting like they are experts and then get burned like this, ending up looking like fools when all you have to do is take a nap and wait a few days to see that this is all temporary and corrections are inevitable, but we will bounce back (oh but Steem seems less and less connected to Bitcoin, we are on our OWN schedule!)

I also noticed Siacoin still going up? I still do not recomend buying much, EOS is still a much better deal as EOS storage will make Siacoin obsolete but who knows maybe we will see a major Sia Pump to $1 hah Maybe Ripple wil hoit $10 maybe we will see Ripple added to COinbase? Well it is all just rumors and hype, and I don't recommend putting money in a small marketcap coin that can be easily manipulated, yet IU see SO many of you newbs on here FALLING for it! Don't buy some shitcoin just because it has been "goingup a lot" you need to buy the coin with actual future and promising technology LIKE STEEM or EOS! But no, these noobs man, they see one coin with barely any marketcap go up 130% and they think its time to invest ALL their Bitcoin because they think Bitcoin is done and this new fuckin shitcoin is gonna be the new big thing??? hahaha no first of all Bitcoin IS coming back 100% don't even worry about it, that ios a promise. Second of all you can make a lot more with coins that have REAL teams and REAL technology behind them LIKE STEEM HELOW there? youre USING the stee platform and most of the people who ask if they should buy some cheap shitcoin are peopel who serously just need more steem and bitcoin before they start fucking buying a bunch of these cheap shitcoins!

Sorry, it just makes me mad when so many promising young souls take their recent steem earnings and instead of reinvesting it back into Steempower or Delegation to get mroe SBD they turn their backs on the soli investments like EOS steem BTC and go all in on Shitcoins! And all the while you could be getting a lot of steem and powering it up, to earn those SBD's you could be also just Holding more Bitcoin which is ALSO set to hit $100K very soon in 2018. So you will all feel so dumb for buying things like Ripple and Nextcoin and Siacoin JUST because they started performing for a few days and just because they were a few pennies and you thought you could make 20,000 dollars since you can maybe afford 20,000 of these coins for a few hundred! :D XD or something like that! Bevause that is what i thought! and I am glad I snapped out of it and bought something like EOS and actually reachd far beyond my goal by just continuing to invest my money in a SOLID project like EOS or STEEM !..ok well go ahead and buy a little of those cheap shitcoins.... ... but just remember that the MARKETCAP is important and the amount a coin has recently gone up might not mean shit! Sure it can LOOK attractive there on Bittrex having just gone up 1500% but it may just be irrelevant and made to make you think its going tp keep going up, so don't fall for that pump and dump shit. You can make more money just holding solid tokens with great teams real results and serious technology like STEEM and EOS. Just don't buy things like Siacoin and Ripple and Steller unless you want BIG risks that they might not perform as well as just regular BITCOIN . Maybe Steller Ripple and Nextcoin types will make a LOT of money for a lot of people, maybe they will even outperform bitcoin, who knows, I made a lot of Siacoin early this year, I wish I had started with more and I would be a completely different person, but I feel like we should stick to our course of investing for a PURPOSE in Undervalued projects with VERY promising technology and Steem and EOS and all graphene blockchains that use DPOS are VERY promising. STEEM EOS and BTC are all we need. Ill be surprised if Siacoin does better than EOS now that EOS has something called EOS storage which i believed should compete with SIa, but we will see,...

I still believe we are all better off holding Steem, SBD, EOS and even regular straight Bitcoin, (but BTC is becoming disappointing in technology AND now of course price performance but yeah yeah all of us experienced crypto people know BTC will bounce back even higher and that this is all planned by large Bitcoin Whales who simply own enough Bitcoin AND Fiat to drive the price up or down however they please... this used to be the way Wallstreet people and Goldman Sachs kind of manipulated markets, but now its 24/7, no more "normal New York Trading Hours' fuck that how about THEY stay up for 4 days in a row and how about THEY wake up on OUR scheduled! How about the bankers get RAPED in the NEW hole we tear for them, their second asshole we create for them, as we RAPE these fucking bankers who buy in at the all time high and expect to keep making gains all through the new year and never feel a correction, well NO thats not the way it works, there are always peaks and valleys, bull markets and corrections followed by newer stronger bull markets and we start to see the Bitcoin price RISE $2000 in one day from $13,000 to $15,000 and people will freak out and want to get in for $15,000 Bitcoin and the news will start advertising it again as Legitimate and we will hear about the next big multi billion dollar tech company embracing crypto and we will see Bitcoin then jump back over $20,000 and onto $30,000 and new all time highs before then again dropping back down and back up and it SHOULD be common sense by now but people still can't get used to that?


Well the price DOES always bounce back up BUT maybe THIS time we will KEEP it low for a little while to make sure ALL the weak hands who bought the top at $19,000 freak out and sell everything at $14,000 hah we drop it down to $12,000 maybe even drop it down to $11,000 JUST for one minute, of course it will come ROARING back up if it does drop down that low, like it always does. If there is an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a very low price someone WILL come snatch that up, but the truth is this exact behavior has been happening with Bitcoin, its a pattern and just because we are in the thousands of dollars and tens of thousands doesn't mean this is any different than when it was hundreds of dollars.. it is just a little more money this time, sure things do change when you move up the ladder in terms of how high bitcoin is priced, but its just a price and Bitcoin will keep climbing because of supply and demand and it should NOT surprise ANY of us! Limited Supply can allow SBD for example to rise from $1 dollar to $19 dollars in a VERY short time , just a matter of days maybe a week or two and we see a 20x increase in price, and that is because there are only a few million Steem Backed Dollars in existence and when people want to BUY them as a way to hold value or make money we see the price go up, and very little pressure going downward on the price except for the people selling them on steemit to buy Bitcoin etc. But SBD is a competitor to Bitcoin and is much faster cheaper and has a lower supply.

We can count on Steemit growing in user base, I am betting my LIFE on that FACT of reality that STEEMIT is a system EVERYONE will want since they are handing out free money and people tend to be attracted to websites that just give out money and this will ensure Steemit's growth and the steem blockchains growth for many years and decades to come, and so the steem backed dollar or SBD will ALWAYS have a demand and it will never get new supply so people will have to make steemit posts to get new SBD and so Steemit will get new content, oh and this content will HAVE to be good or no one will get the UPVOTES they need from other Users who control who gets paid... see those upvotes are necessary and you only get them when steempower holders decide you get them and they wont upvote a shit post, you can only get those large upvotes worth hundreds or thousands of dollars if you create high quality content usually related to some ACTUAL project that you do in real life, maybe you are documenting the creation of a Community project or mission to advertise steem and raise money with posts to spend on flyers nd billboards maybe, and document the successes (and failures) and when you start to see that steem is for everyone you will move beyond any hurdles you may encounter.


For example one new user on the http://steemspeak.com chat room was worried that he couldn't bring anything new to the steem blockchain because he wasn't a programmer and thought that was what he needed to be in order to contribute. There is a lot more to steem than just software, it really is a human social network that will need a lot of human resource people out there on legacy social media (youtube Instagram Snapchat etc) to make content to PROMOTE steemit and to promote special steemit posts with special social media corss platform campaigns (like the ones I do on my instagram page that i use to promote Steem and Graphene Blockchains like EOS and Golos, http://instagram.com/ackza770 ) So please make sure you just pick a project and do work online if you can't think of something to do in real life. because we ALWAYS need you to create a group for steem in REAL life, invite people wo want to make money online together to some sort of weekly group maybe hijack the local Bitcoin Meetups and talk about Steem because it IS the next Bitcoin! everyone you invite who signs up to steem WILL make money because if they come comment on My blogs I always help people who comment on my steem blog especially users who create local steem groups! Communities feature is coming to Steem soon and we will get to create our own custom Subreddits (where people will be protected from flagging by having private steem forums within steemit! :D Or It may end up being different but either way it will allow for custom subreddit style personal private group areas, so people can only have Posts/comments flagged or removed by Moderators in these individual communities in steemit.

I think @chainBB by @jesta might be the closest to having this already but I also expect to see some incredible new features on chainBb when a new team is fully assembled to implement the full grand vision of myself, @fyrstikken and @jesta , which i know is the vision of many other people too, but I see ChainBB as a great forum hub where we have Tools to IMPORT your existing forum INTO chainBB and thus the steem blockchain. We will get people to bring whole forum companies like vBulletin and phpBB over into CHainBB and allow massive amounts of existing forums to be imported and for millions of users to find a new home on the steem blockchain using ChainBB. And they'll finally get PAID to spend all that time online and answer helpful questions on internet forums from a range of topics from medicine to gardening to people fixing their computers or helping kids with their homework! Imagine Stack Exchange or Yahoo answers or Quora but where users who consistently answer questions well are all of the sudden getting paid in steempower and SBD. Now that I think about it, a special front end could be built today and easily that copies Yahoo answers or Qora or Stack Exchange and then offers a CHainBB forum to ask questions about different topics and even have a few whales giving out nice upvotes to people who answer questions and know about different topics the way they do on quora or yahoo answers but DONT get paid for. We can actually pay users now with OUR system here on the Steem Blockchain!

I can see a vision of steem that also includes a web browser in the @vessel wallet that @jesta is also responsible for creating! he is a VERY important person to upvote as Witness at http://steemit.com/~witnesses and also @fyrst-witness should also be upvoted for that organizations sponsoring of many services and software crucial to steemit including much of the works by @inertia that serious steem developers should look into to begin building an array of important steem bots. @fyrstikken was talking about how we all need to be accessing our own steem blockchain using our own Steem Web Explorer , a Steem Browser, and it can be one that we actually will use unlike the Brave Browser and its BAT token, what a failure that was, people don't just use a new browser, but we WILL use our Steem Browser especially if it works on our phone and allows us to make payments check social media we will have a built in messenging app better than facebook messenger, with built in steem/SBD payment system with FREE transactions, something other apps WISH they already had, and we can start by using @jesta 's existing VESSEL wallet which is MAGNIFICENT and add a simple browser that is just for browsing steemit pages, and eventually it will be able to browser Dsound, Dtube, Dlive, all the steem based websites and services, just like the menu of a Steem Pi a steemit based rasberry pi made with all sorts of great steemit apps like Dsound Dtube, all for rasberry pi.. like this

and I could see Steem browser as a GREAT way to build up a Steem Wise Web or something like that. We should also make Steem the payment system that HTTP was designed to have, as seen by the 402 error code that shows up in HTTP, that they had a payment system planned when they designed the HTTP protocol, so let's make Steem exactly that and allow anyone with a website to have a steemit account using HTTP to run a steem wallet? WHo knows if that can work but there is some major project Xanadu level stuff going on that only me and @adept and @ned and @dan and @fyrstikken understand.... but we will have Ready Player One level Mixed Reality Puzzles where the winner can find the keys to Dan Larimer's Treasure, worth half a trillion dollars very soon! Hah Just wait untill Steem is up to Facebook's marketcap of 500 Billion, tthen Steem marketcap really WILL be half a Trillion dollars worth and Each Steem could very well be over $2000 per steem... just imagine that, yeah just remind yourself that Steem and SBD is valuable its worth it and hey maybe Steem wont get to $2000 in 2018 but SBD might ;) and HEY Steem WILL get to $100 in 2018 and hey maybe in one year we CAN get Steem to $500 MAYBE $1000 by this time 2019 so we could totally reach $100 steem by next year and by 2020 we WIll hit $1000 Steem so START STACKING

OH and this is VERY important news that we can use to Explain the recent rise in SBD price! these S. Korean App makers have allowed Koreans to buy Steem/SBD with their PHONES on a MOBILE messeging Ap that is now #1 in the country how great is that!


Very important News about Korean Exchange that allows SBD to be purchased with fiat (and steem) and their mobile messenger app let's people buy steem and SBD using Fiat while on the go so it is really helping SBD right now. Imagine having a coinbase type app that let you buy and sell Steem/SBD using your debit card or bank account... just imagine how nice that would be...


Wow Belarussia allows all cryptocurrency and ICOs to remain tax free for 5 years? See how countries are being competitive and people are seeing that they are not prisoners of their fucking governments, and that they can fucking MOVE and take ALL their fucking wealth with them. The government ca't just seize this shit it's crypto and we will do what we damn well please. We will BURN our money or donate it to charity before we let any government take it. See now there is competition and the West is seeing that you can't just do whatever you want, there is a big free market out there with many options for our bodies and our money and when we move we move our money with us, the state has no power in the future, all governance is done technocratically and we will have blockchains that "decide" things, based on community consensus and not some imaginary election that no one can fucking verify. Income will be untaxable in the future and people will regain control of their own finances. private key systems will prevent Steemit and the steem blockchain from being able to even attempt to cooperate with any government agency to "freeze" accounts like a Bank would, because that is not how it works, but I am sure that won't stop the government from threatening steemit inc and ordering them to seize funds that they can't touch, that they have no control over. It is like going to Bitcoin.com and demanding that they freeze a Bitcoin Wallet. Well at least we know the government DOES have a basic idea about how decentralized systems work and they so far have not wasted their time trying to demand things from blockchains the way they demand things from Banks. But I know there are many old technologically illiterate people in power who will begin to make out of touch demands like Hitler in the Bunker ordering around non existent armies. i can totally see people in the government also making claims that steemit is somehow breaking child labor laws by paying children and also telling us we are not paying our "workers" minimum wage? Seriously they WILL attack us with minumum wage laws and claim we cannot pay people on steemit because we arent paying them enough? huh? yeah I know it won't make any sense and that is HOW the government attacks us they throw crazy insane bullshit at us and all of the sudden we are all paying half our fucking income to some men with guns.... let's remind ourselves that all taxation is theft and we are not in the middle ages, this is not ancient rome, we don't have some divine right of kings to legitimize paying taxes to some other person who demands we pay them... taxes sounds like a scam to me.. how about the government raises money with an ICO like everyone else?

So keep stacking steem, no one will come after your steem, I say steem is protected and I say steem is immune to all bad vibes man, we are gonna conquer the world with love maaaaan hahaha just kidding we are going to conquer the worl with math, simple math, We have the best social network, we have laid the foundation for a bright future and all the young people have to do is sign up and start posting and those that will end up inheriting all the bitcoins in the world. All value will DUMP into Steem and EOS! Graphene is the name of the software system that @dan Larimer created, which runs very fast and is what is allowing you to read this blog post and even get paid to upvote it in curation rewards! DPOS systems that @dan larimer invented like Steem Golos EOS will all SKYROCKET in price like they CONTINUE to do! Steem has TRIPLED from under $1 just a few weeks ago to finally over $3 and it DID hit $4 yesterday! We WILL see $10 Steem and then $100 Steem in 2018 JUST YOU WAIT youre ALL GONNA BE RICH boys and girls! See all these Boats?

There is enough for everyone! We will all run our Steem Witness nodes out on the high seas and we will have Satellite Internet and we will roam the high seas running our blockchain where no nation state can get to us! :D

Merry Christmas to Urrybody and Thanks again to the amazing Artist @elgeko for my cool signature artwork below, and thanks to @tytran for all the valuable upvotes and thanks to all the fun people I talk to everyday on http://steemspeak.com run by the big dog himself @fyrstikken and @inertia and @whatsup and let's say Thanks to another big whale @thejohalfiles who helped me get where I am and without Johal I wouldn't have ever gotten as deep into Steem as I did after a couple of his upvotes, that got me super inspired because it showed me how fast someone could actually earn money on Steem and then I remember I worked with @tj4real and @xpency and Johal gave out Upvotes to us and to @mcsamm and @ortigas100 who all got like $800 to $1500 worth of Upvotes backin the summer after getting us all on the trending page or on top of the "#Africa" page, and my post "Operation Upgrade Africa" was just a great experiment in seeing what could get people's attention early on, i felt like I could use the SJW tactic of Virtue Signalling to actually help people in real life, since giving a worthless facebook like on some useless Post that is meant to 'raise awareness" about some problem in Africa seems disingenuous, but a Steem Upvote which is actually worth something , that is different, on steem we actually hand out an income to people who steadily participate as much as they can, and we really reward the ones who work the hardest to promote or help steem in some way, and helping themselves or their community using money from steem and making a post to report on it becomes as good as any other method for advertising steemit to the world.


Facebook is not paying users in developing nations multi thousand dollar salaries a month but Steem is! And Facebook is almost 1000 times the size of Steem right now, with a 500 Billion dollar marketcap vs our 800 Million dollar marketcap, so when we show the world how much WE help the developing nations of the world compared to a MUCH larger company, than WE will win a MAJOR Public relations battle! Hah I just realized this! Ok I will stop writing now! Until next time i hope to make some more posts today to continue explaining some of these viral ideas I need to release on steemit with prizes. Like first person to post 100 fliers about Steemit in their town gets $20 from me, and I will help find a way to pay for the paper or even send them the fliers in the mail fully printed and they just have to go put them up at bulletin boards and coffee shops etc. I will also send Steemit and Steem Stickers to people and whoever puts them all up in their area will get some prizes! I also want to expand @btcvenom 's http://PaywithSteem.com to include a sort of Arcade style catalog of prizes you can cash in your steem or SBD for, just a fun way to get young people into steem and show actual real world items and products and video game consoles or electric scooters we can send to people if they pay in steem, and when people make that connection that steem is a substitute for bitcoin that is much less volatile, much more stable, then we will see people bragging about all the sweet electronics and expensive clothes and loot from amazon they got off the money they made on steemit! Kids will make Facebook and Reddit posts about the Nintendo Switch and the Electric Bicycle they bought off http://paywithsteem.com using the Steem tokens they saved up in their steemit account and those future reddit posts will trigger massive exodus of users onto Steemit from reddit because everyone wants free money and the reward pool will expand to meet new demand. 2018 will become the most insane roller coaster ride of your lives and if you have saved up your tokens like you were supposed to then we will see $10 then $20 then $30 Steem sometime in the next few weeks as the Hardfork and a bundle of new upgrades and new features are unleashed!


If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me zackza@gmail.com or text 619 500 3748 and....

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