I would like to raise money with upvotes on this post to pay for an Instagram paid Ad to promote Steemit! + I bought 127 Golos on Bittrex and Powered up my Golos account!

I would like to pay for 1 day of Instagram Ads for Steemit and monitor the results and then post the results here on Steemit to see how successful this sort of small ad campaign can do for us! I text based

(Image from @bencord )

Money from this post will go towards paying for an Instagram Ad to promot Steemit! There are 1 billion users on Instagram and these are the perfect types of users for Steemit because they are already primed and prepared to use Social media! Please save your prejudice remarks about how we shouldn't want the type of people on Instagram because you don't like Instagram because it is owned by Facebook blah blah blah. First of all we are using their own system against them and second of all it is so wrong to claim that all 1 billion users of Instagram's platform are ll bad or the same or not worthy of steemit. Many people use instagram for many different reasons, mostly including reasons about how everyone else is on there! Soon everyone will be on Steemit and that iis why people will want to come here instead! And when I start paying for ads to be played on instagram promoting Steemit as a better social media platform where you can get paid and never censored, then I will attract all sorts of grat users to steemit would would already be here if they actually knew about it! Cannabis related instagram accounts for example are constantly getting shut down by Instagram and i know for a fact that those users are sick of this bullshit where they loose years of hard work and social media comments and posts without warning by Instagram just because. So using Steemit and knowing that your posts will ALWAYS be there and NEVER get removed AND that you'll get paid for them is just the obvious choice for everyone!

I will be happy to debate whether we are in any position to act like we are any better than users of any other platform, because we are not, but we definitely do have a superior platform and I believe it deserves the user numbers to prove it! Steemit DESERVES to have the quantity and quality of users on Instagram and reddit . If we could simply get 1 % of either Reddit or Instagram then Steem price would rise far beyond $10 and we would tens of millions of users.

You see the advertising backend for Instagram is very advanced and can allow me to specifcally taregt certain types of users, and for this experiment we wil choose to drive simple traffic to our website, steemit.com and as you can see I have many options here.

Normally i would direct traffic to my steemit.com/@ackza page to promote myself AND steemit but for this experiment it will simply direct advertisement viewers to the main steemit.com/trending page so they can see all the top earning posts making hundreds even thousands of dollars! I could even redirect the ad to go a special Post I can make introducing them from Instagram to steemit but I think a simple redirect to the steemit trending page would be good enough. The ad itself can explain everything maybe even in one image showing the top steemit posts on trending page and highlighting all of the prices, with a simple banner at the top, "Steemit, get paid for Blogging, Get paid for getting likes, make anywhere from a few cents to a few thousand dollars per post or comment! Blokchain social media!" and then that could simply be the ad!

Oh and I just sold some SBD on Bittrex and bought some golos (Golos is the Russian version of Steem , based on the same original code but a hard fork, it split off 1 months ago but still maintain excellent ties with steemit ) , So I bought the golos tokens on Bittrex and sent it to my Golos account http://golos.io/@ackza , and powered it up! Here is the process for anyone interested and new to it, or for anyone who just enjoys this stuff like i do :D

and hereis me sending the Golos after buying 127 golos after selling 15 SBD

and here is my Golos Wallet before powering Up with the new Golos trhat just arrived from Biottrex (Tok only a minute just like Steem, its the fastest crypto currency out thre and the fee was sooo small on bittrex or withdrawl it was 0.01 Golos literally $0.001 :D

And here is the screenshot of the Wallet showing record of my Golos Powerup... (seems all very similar tio Steemit doesnt it? Except the wallet transactions have an account just called "@robot" that sends you like 0.001 GBG 9Golos version of SBD) to your account telling you all the activity of every person that upvotes or comments or follows you, a feature we don't really see on steemit, just one example of many new or different things Golos has changed since they hard forked from us 11 months ago!

So that is my Golos Power up, I am pretty proud of it and all of my Golos Posts now, and here is my latest Golos post in which I review my Golos Power Up: https://golos.io/golos/@ackza/i-just-sold-usd15usd-in-sbd-from-steemit-to-buy-127-golos-on-bittrex-sent-the-golos-to-my-golos-account-here-and-powered-up-my My Golos Account feels very special to me, like it is the start of a very long lasting and profitable relationship where I will keep buying cheap 10 cent Golos and golos power until I have at last 10,000 Golos or around $1000 USD worth of Golos in there . Golos is set to rise in price dramatically in 2018 and now is the perfect time to get in cheap before literally everyone tries to buy a piece of this network. So get in now while it is still a relative secret in the crypto world... because as soon as steem takes off golos will follow and become expensive! it will change all of our lives forever if we all can just invest a few thousand dollars in it before the end of 2017! If you can save up $1000 USD in Steem and $1000 in Golos you will be set to inherit the fruits of the Steemit community and developer labor .

So join me in helping to raise a few bucks ti pay for a day of Instagram Ads for Steemit! Whatever I raise on this post will go towards the Ad so that I can experiment with a steemit ad that shows up on Instagram for users searching for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency related topics. This is a great target demographic and Bitcoin loving instagram users are the perfect people to bring onto steemit, because they already know about crypto currency and they have a desire to connect with others on social media about it! Some like @coinlord I have already invited and got to join Steemit and he just needs to come back and keep posting because his posts were super high quality and he just found himself in that pit of new users on steemit where it seems no matter how popular your posts were on Instagram you have no followers when you first start here, but now @coinlord would be able to do better if he kept posting everyday! My next post will show all of the fun I used to have posting about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency On Instagram and how in 2015 I made a hobby of it jus for the sake of connecting and networking with other bitcoin people who were TELLING me this was it and this was the new field I should be getting into! I wish I would have stayed in it but it took me until 2017 to really get back into this world!

Anyway I will show you the STRATEGY I found that made posting on social media about Bitcoin and blockchain crypto currency so fun for me, and I hope you can find something valuable out of my next posts where I show what my strategy was to attract followers on Instagram before Steemit was even created. This included ideas like simply finding Bitcoin related News stories and posting screenshots of them to my Instagram with the appropriate hashtage like "Bitcoin "Blockchain" and "cryptocurrency": and of course 'money" and ":makemoneyonline: and 'workathome" ad these hastag would work their magic and people would LOVE getting VALUE added from my Instagram "Blog" which would routinely give out interesting Bitcoin news including news of big exchanges being hacked for example and back then no one was posting crypto news to Instagram and for the most part no one still is and so there is a huge niche wide open for all of us to compete in! We can promote Steemit liek a numbers game and see how many of the 1 billion Instagram users we can each get to convert over to Steemit! And We here at steemit actually PAY users while Instagram Does NOT so there should be an obvious choice over time! :D

Foo Foo

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me zackza@gmail.com or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza

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