1982 Compuserve Ad comes true, "Welcome to Someday" Promising a day when we bank, shop and invest electronically from the comfort of your own home.

"Someday in the comfort of your home, you'll be able to shop and bank electronically, read instantly updated newswires, analyze the performance of a stock that interests you, send electronic mail across the country, and then play bridge with three strangers in LA Chicago and Dallas"

This old computer ad actually came true! I wonder if they really knew how accurate they would be or if they were just imagining a fantasy that they didnt really believe would happen? I believe some people did see this coming. And with bitcoin you could replace the words "stocks" in this ad with the word "crypto currency", and it would be accurate for the modern day but it would also describe all the features of Steemit!! getting "instantly updated news wires" or "sending electronic mail across the country" describes steemit perfectly! and we even have the banking part down!

Steemit and bitcoin are both electronic banking! We will even soon have online shopping. And I wonder if people in the 80s would be suprised if wehad a problem with illegal Tor and crypto currency powered darknet markets! I assume someone inthe past would just wonder how there are no internet police inthe future, but then again there had always been Pirate Radio stations AND WIlliam Gibson DID talk about internet drug dealer//hackers in Neuromaner and other cyberpunk books liek SNowcrash deal with these issues....

(even Obama admitted that cryptocurrency is like having a swiss bank account in your own pocket (more like having a swiss BANK in your pocket but ok, yeah, this is huge)

Information SuperHighway man...it really did happen.....its like the one promise they made that came true! And actually we are finally just getting ur flying cars too! And hoverboards! Its like theres people who dedicate their lives to making sure we proove to ourselves we are indeed living in the future! the date 2020 will also help solidify it! You cant deny the fact that we are in the future when we hear that its 2020 or 2021 or 2022 thats going to look really cool!

"Your Future Home in 1999 - from big screen TV to online shopping and bill paying and computer controlled exercise monitoring. 1960s" another even earlier film from 1960s and it predicts what basically became amazon.com, the idea of shopping at home using personal computers dialed into corporate mainframes with catalogs, but hes using film slides and its so primitive! Its like they didnt know how they would do it but they knew it would happen!

Like when I was a kid in the 90s and i wanted my gameboy to connect to the internt and so I dreamed of a 56K modem adapter for my gameboy so I could connect my pokemon game online and maybe MAYBE have some sort of internet multiplayer pokemon game going! Well Now kids can Videochat each other using their new verson of the gameboy the nintendo DS that has wifi and everything built in and its never been easier to use!

(Evolution of the Gameboy from card games to DS))

I feel that todays children are being spoiled with amazing technology thats TOO powerful! Tools that they treat as toys that we could only dream of in the 1990s! My god the 90s are closer to the 80s than they are to Nowadays! It really does hit me all at once! We really are unaware of how fast our technology changes round us! If Someone in the early 1980s was given just a smartphone and access to wikipedia they could dominate the world back then!

(Mother of All Demos showing first ever setup with a PC desktop with hyperlinks, Mouse and keyboard) very relevant to this whole subject! Because we should all remember computers and the internet are alot older than the world wide web and the current visual wonderland we all get to live inside and make money with!

1985 Compuserve Ad wwe should use for our Steemit Meetup Travel fund!
Amazing how big of a deal it was to be able to go check some flight time by logging into some airport mainframe and getting updated flight times, probably didnt even work that well, I dont think many people started buying airplane tickets online until the late 1990s

And this compuserve ad seems almost deceptive at the time! Promising alot more than 1980s tech could even dream of delivering! they didn't even have color videos or really even any photos at all just pixels! hah, big giant pixels! We seriously didn't even have the type of affordable PC monitors to even view color images of a decent resolution until the early 1990s for most people! And this ad is from the early 1980s and I mean, yeah sure nowadays computers and smartphones can do all of this, but not back then! Just very amusing to me.

And for anyone STILL doubting bitcoin, here is a video by @ThebitcoinersDeal channel on youtube of important and influential people talking about how bitcoin and cryptocurrency and the blockchain is the future

And I was thinking about how that old (Woody Allen) quote, 80 percent of success is just showing up, is now obsolete and now you dont even have top physically show up, you just have to sign in or log in, or maybe 80 percent of success is showing up, on google...or steemit...or to just be trending

I hope you enjoyed this brief recap of internet history and the optimism for what the PC and the internet could bring that people had in the 1980s! never view the dot com bubble as some sort of bubble or fad, its 2017 and we are still using the internet, PCs, websites, theyre more popular than ever! Its totally changed our world an fueled ALl the new economic growth! what other industry but PCs, smartphones, IT, websites, internet, now crypto and bitcoin, its like seeing civilization go from type 1 to type 1! So dont underestimate bitcoin and crypto and blockchain especially steemit! Steem is just as valuable as bitcoin , to be honest steem is much moe valuable than bitcoin! And noone will try to reinvent steemit, steemit is as big a deal as facebook, or Google, if not bigger.

(Great Video on History of the Internet with same voice actor as Kurgestaat Videos! (This very video was the very first inspiration for that whole Kurgestat channel actually!)

If you enjoyed this intrnet history lesson check out my previous post about 1980s Internet history and why not make a coin that can work on old 80s computers. https://steemit.com/eighties/@ackza/why-wasnt-twitter-or-reddit-invented-in-the-80s-a-surprising-history-of-chat-rooms-i-had-no-idea-we-even-had-chat-rooms-in-the

(Chart of Internet History made by www.henry4school.fr which I added Bitcoin and Steenit, remember its only been a year since Steemit launched March 2016!)

(Sent from ChainBB! try chainBB at http://beta.chainbb.com and just login with your Steemit account using just your username and your "posting key" which can be easily found over in your "permissions" tab over in your account profile page)

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