What is your strategy for Steemit

There's a lot of material out there about writing great headlines. Getting some clicks on your article is a critical part of your blogging strategy.

Convincing readers to actually read your posts is an art form in itself -- and if you don't do it well, then you're throwing away potential promoters, subscribers, connections, and even just meeting new people.

Here at Steemit, you can find just about any topic you can think of. That is the amazing thing about blogging.

Don't know where to begin? Here's some useful tips:

1.) Pick a direction - Choose a topic that you are comfortable writing about. Do some extra research to get more content. Choosing the right niche will attract readers/audiences.

2.) Ideas - You can get ideas from your audience. Check out steemit's trending page and see the more popular stuff!

3.) Interaction - Love your readers! Get some feedback on how you can improve, ask them what they liked or did not like about your content. This builds relationships and fans appreciate when writers takes time out of their day to interact with them.

4.) Be Consistent - No one is interested in remembering to open your blog every 6 months and why should they - Give more to your readers and try to post on a set schedule.

5.) Be honest - This is very important. Be honest in your articles. Everyone wants to feel connected to the author. Stay true to yourself and for the readers.

6.) Pictures and videos- Using photos and videos help give you that edge you may need. Not only do your audience get to read some exciting content of yours. Pictures are pretty, so just use them.

7.) Patience - Patience is key when it comes to blogging. Yes, you spent more than an hour coming up with this awesome blog but you have 5 to 10 readers. RELAX! Success does not happen over night.

8.) Play nice - Every so often, you may get a comment that you disagree with. But, as a writer, you need to be prepared for this. You need to realize that everyone is entitled to an opinion and try to understand their point of view.

9.) Catchy headlines - This one pretty much speaks for itself.

10.) Keeping it short - Have enough information to keep your audience happy, but not too much or they will simply leave.

11.) Proof Read - You want to proof read your content before posting to save yourself some time and embarrassment, PROOF READ your material before posting.

Stay Tuned to @abu-mikayeel for more daily posts.

"There is no correct way to live" - M.Nel 2017!

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