Steemit 2.0 Wish List: How We Wish To Replace Facebook


Dear @steemit,

You are the reason I fell in LOVE with Blockchain Technology. Thank you!

Immediately, it was obvious Steemit was the future of social media, as well as, content creation. (Yes, Steemit articles show up in Google searches for keywords!)

Over the past year, I have been very active in the EOSio community and along the way, many Easter Eggs have been dropped in Telegram on the development of Steemit 2.0, the "replacement of Facebook," by @dan.

This has birthed the idea of a "Steemit 2.0 Wish List!"

👉 Let's bridge our communities together. Hoping we all can invite those from Steemit to add to this Steem 2.0 Wish List.

💥 The Challenge: On Dec 21st, 2018, all the wishes will merge with the doc and be made sharable.

Here is an article describing the challenge. -

🚀🎄🙏>>> Want to add your wishes directly to the "Steemit 2.0 Wish List"? 🤓 -

⛓️ Here is this Telegram group link -

<<<<<<<<<<<< Resources >>>>>>>>>>>>

Why replace Facebook with Steemit 2.0???

Because it needs to happen and is already happening...

🔥Some articles on the case against Facebook by the U.S. Congress:🙏✊️

  • Zuckerberg must face public scrutiny over latest data breach -

  • Here’s a video from the Zuckerberg/Facebook Congressional Hearing -

Add your wishes to community collaborated Steemit 2.0 Wish List

Read More About the Steem 2.0 Wish List Challengein detail on Medium

Join the discussion in the Steem 2.0 Telegram Group

with❤ @a3t

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