Secret Interview with Athena Dela Cruz

Scenemakers Cover 2.jpg
Secret Interview.jpg

Hello Again everyone. I made another short one after planning on making a steady story about the scenemakers, since I also didn't tell about their stuff and what is scenemakers.

Well Athena, she is the personal production assistant of director. She tried her best taking the actor and actresses secrets, but it didn't work. Sad :(. Well anyway, I'll show you how I made my art.

Secret Interview 01.jpg

I start with the base of the comic: the panels. I inked them already to emphasize the last panel, I made the last panel taken by Berry. She is too shy to reveal her secret.
Then, made a sketches for the characters and the background.

Secret Interview 02.jpg

Next, I inked them all and erased the pencil marks. Markers for the bold marks.

Secret Interview.jpg

For the finishing touches, I colored all of the characters and background.

Then finished! :3 That's how I made my art.

Sorry for the later post though, I have some issues experiencing, haha kidding :l. It's my laziness kicking me out of the productive zone.

Well anyway, thanks for reading and viewing though, I am still making some improvisations at my part :3

See 'ya again at my post :3!


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