Donnie the Dolphin blows up the Internet. [original cartoon]


Apparently, marine life love messing with undersea Internet cables. So Donnie the Dolphin just couldn't help himself. If you're interested in the cables that put the world on the World Wide Web, check out the website

Donnie the Dolphin: What's that? Minnow: An undersea Internet cable. Donnie the Dolphin: Watch this. Donnie unplugs the cable. Pop! A multitude of Internet users scream: 'Aargh!'
Electric eel

@cobmaximus's Contest

This is my entry to @cobmaximus's first Steemit webcomics contest. The theme is "funny" so this is right up my alley. However, one of the criteria of the contest is the quality of art. Like a fool, I did my pencil work with a Blackwing 602 pencil. Blackwing pencils are a dream to use but produce a dark line. I forgot this and had to spend extra time cleaning up my pencil lines after inking. That is why I usually use a mechanical pencil with a thin lead for production work and save the Blackwings for sketches.

Electric eel


Preliminary sketch.
Preliminary sketch.

Since I hand-draw each panel, I tried to make the characters the same size. I measured a straight line for Donnie the Dolphin's length and height. That was a mistake, I should have used a curved line to make Donnie more dynamic and playful. When I look at George Gately's Heathcliff comic strip, I noticed he used a combination of crooked and straight lines. I was using a straight-edge ruler because I wanted to look good for the contest. In the future, I'll stick to hand-drawing lines. It looks more organic like Mr. Gately's work.

Electric eel
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