Hello there

My name is ridzman.. I started to draw for the past 2 years.. So first of all im not really an artist still got a long way to go to be called artist.. My main reason to be on steemit is to self motivate myself to improve and tell people out there that everyone can draw... IMG_20180120_150647_585.jpg

So i learn a lot of techniques to draw because i just want to go wide in this art stuff.. i do doodle, potrait, building sketches, digital art and stuff and still working on it.. I started to draw because of my anxiety and depression i express them thru my artwork..demon.png

Im one of the people from the klsketchnation.. You guys might dont know me because im just an underdog artist who just started to do urban sketches maybe you guys should join us sometimes to do sketches around kuala lumpur![IMG20180106194711.jpg](http

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