Histroy n steemit

Hello everyone here I am with my another blog about steemit hope you guys like my postLeadership_lessons-862x452-672x372.png
The project was founded in 2016 by Ned scott and Den larimer, creator of bitshares The two are founders of steemit Inc company Could-Steemit-and-DTube-Overtake-Facebook-and-YouTube-750x400.jpgwhich runs the steemit website and funds ongoing development of the platform.mqdefault.jpgsteem has no transaction fees rate limiting or to pay its block producess Instead, accounts use bandwidth, which replenishes fast enough that a typical user is not affected or limited
5m2kdes6ry.jpgon march 15,2017 Dan larimer announced his resignation from the company
steemtokens.pngThe smart media tokens are An SMT is a native digital asset on the steem block chain.dvlejfuy3h.jpg SMTs can be launched by anyone to help monetize online content and create incentives to encourage desired user behavior..... thank you so much hope you guys enjoy my post and to support me please like comment resteem it will really help me to know you guys are liking my post or not thank you so much respect for steemit community.......

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