There are lots of benefits in having a family that steems together

Image source: dlammy studio

My family are my sanctuary. They mean everything to me. They are my critic, best fans and greatest supporters and for almost everything I do, I try to get them involved because two heads are indeed better than one.

I got to know about Steemit through a friend in August, last year, and when I did, I tried to convince my sister and brother to join, but it was to no avail as they refused to join, thinking that it was another ponzi scheme that would soon fail. They also tried to convince me to stop it, but then, even though I was a little doubtful about Steemit, I decided to give it a trial, and so I refused.

When my siblings saw the benefits of Steemit in my life (in terms of gaining more knowledge, financial freedom and making more friends) they needed no more convincing, and they joined earlier this year.

The first person to join was my brother, @oshiokhenoya who is doing very well on steemit, followed by my sister, @cheekah (middle) who is already at reputation 50.

Unfortunately, three months ago, I lost my account @chemmy to hackers after clicking on a phishing comment. It was a very difficult period in my life as most of my friends ignored me and left me to my fate.

Luckily for me, my family members who are already in the platform were there for me. They were able to encourage me to open another account (@chiknows) and move on. I don't know how I would have been able to cope without them.

I advice other steemians whoose family members are not on this platform to try to encourage them to do so because there are lots of advantages for families that are involved here. Some of which are the fact that it promotes unity and oneness, it increases their level of finance and they also stand a lot to learn and gain academically and socially.

For the steemians who have tried to encourage their family members to no avail, please keep trying and never give up because the family that steems together is the best.

It should be noted that another of my brothers, @ogine just joined, and I hope he would do well here.

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