Should I Re-Start Steemicide Hotline?

I'm considering starting up Steemicide Hotline again.

I know people hate me because I became inactive on Steem, but let's face it, Steem was flatlining.

You can continue to hate, or just live with the fact that many of us early adopters have come back to see what's happening.

Maybe the war is just the thing to get us all fired up again and fight for our independence, finally get free from the psychopath Ned and the megalomaniac Justin? It's nerve wracking tho. The outcomes could be brutal.

So, what should the first episode be? Is it something people would watch?

For anyone unfamiliar with my Steemicide Hotline series, here's one of the most popular episodes, about Jeff Berwick, AKA Dollar Vigilante"

Also, if you want to binge watch more here they all are:

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