Can We Get Some Coinbase Effect?

unpopular FUD rant ahead beware

So Matic Network /("a Layer 2 scaling solution that achieves scale by utilizing sidechains for off-chain computation while ensuring asset security using the Plasma framework and a decentralized network of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) validators.”)* closed up 30% just from the mere mention that coinbase was exploring listing it...

As steem continues to tumble, now at 20 cents and only 169 satoshis it begs the question are we even a real project ? How has stinc not paid to get listed on such a major player in the game? Who is responsible for this incompetence? My apologies I'm unclear on the exact history of this particular drama. As you can guess if you're at all familiar with my tude idgaf..

While I'm in a mood let me just say if I see yet another long winded post about the upcoming hf and the reasons it can be awesome I'm going to vomit and then consider selling all my steem at 20 cents.. It astounds me that people are so transparently afraid that they resort to morale boosting shit posts attempting to predict the future of an extremely precarious experimental ecosystem..Please just stfu I mean it's your right to waste your life, time, and energy pandering to the other desperate souls but just go actifit or something FFS..

FUD is definitely here and ignoring it won't help, spreading it won't help either but here is the thing, none of our insignificant opinions matter when stinc is programmaticly dumping like they are and the only fools lapping it up are the same ones praying for the kumbaya paradigm shift in global consciousness that takes them to the moon.. Go ahead stick around, I'll keep 100 sp to watch the fireworks but my personal fantasy is a coinbase effect in the near future so I can dump steem during a pump and involve myself in a less lemmings like project..

deny the fud all you want but know that the air reeks of desperation

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