#Fountain of joy


Ride on the wings of each glorious day, with a joy that knows no bound and is without wrong. Not limited by what you have or do not have but believing in his grace that abounds, filling your inner man with the peace that passes all that surrounds. It is not a mistake that you were born, and you grew that old or still as young, but there is a life birthed in you by God for the fulfillment of his plan in you. What you think you can do isn't what makes you, rather it's the life he gave you, sacrificing on the cross that made the difference in you.
Keep appreciating him for all he has done because you can never thank him enough. Find your joy in the fountain and you will never run out of this source. Let this joy that only God can give be in you everyday and you will never be weary nor dismayed. This joy the father gives can't be bought by any limited resource but can only be found in him alone as your source.

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