Mother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all children

Sadly, not all mothers live up to the hype that surrounds the title of this post. I have seen on countless occassions mothers who would rather get their nails done, "hair did" or buy a new purse or shoes for a night out compared to taking care of their kids. Those same mothers are also the ones that pride themselves on many social media sites with posts, proclaiming their "eternal love always for my kids"...yet those that are close to the family or friends know better. They seem to forget that hiding behind social media posts will only get you so far and keep the blind in the dark, but those who are around daily see crystal clear.

I am the unfortunate vicitim to this sad charade. I get the unpleasantry of watching two innocent children suffer because their mother doesn't think they are worth her time. For as long as I can remember, I have watched these two, 12 and 10, basically live at their grandparents' house, while their mother leaves them for days at a time. Funny how at the same time, days after dropping her kids off, she posts how much she loves her kids, how they mean the world to them. NO, she isn't working a crazy job, traveling or doing swing shift. NO, she is not deathly ill and fighting for her life. Instead, this wannabe mommy is out doing God knows what, all the while her kids, even at the age they are, fight to know the answer as to why they are simply cast aside by their own mother. Why their biological father signed his rights to them away years back. Why their mother remarried, and their step dad adopted them only to see that marriage also fail and he too walked away. Now, their own mother has done the same thing. This woman is in her 30's; she is not some teenage mother trying to find her way. She is very capable and knows exactly what she does.

Like I said, I have seen these pattern go on for nearly a decade. All these kids want is their mother. They ask about her. They become angry, seemingly for the simple fact that they can't understand why again another night is spent in a bed that is not in their home. This happens during the school year, the middle of the week, the weekends, summer doesn't matter and shows no prejudice. I feel for them. I see their pain. It angers me. My wife and family tell me "step back"...It's hard. Many of you who follow me, know my family's struggle to bring our daughter into this world and it floors me to know that this woman could do this to loving kids. When I see them, they run up and give hugs. They adore my daughter. All the while, their mom is absent. Missing. Clueless. Heartless.

For those of you that are great parents and a part of your child's life, congrats to you and I sincerely thank you. To those that read this and seem to find yourself getting offended or upset, maybe you need to look in the mirror. Our children are the future, our HOPE for a better day ahead. If we ignore their needs now, surely our future needs will be lost on them as well. Take care and remember, children didn't choose to be born. If you decided to bring them into this earth, then make sure to be there to guide them as much and as often as needed. Their future, long after you are gone will be forever thankful.

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